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Improvisation, Dynamic Form and the Acousmatic Music Composer: Perspectives on Triple Retort

Blackburn, Manuella



This paper introduces the semi-improvised mixed work
Triple Retort
(2011) for flute, cello, mezzo-soprano and three laptops, and presents the concept of constructing dynamic form as a means of enabling and encouraging variation with each performance. This variation encompasses flexible time lengths, different instrument combinations, multi-disciplines (eg. dance), structural progressions and characters. The work confronts a number of pertinent issues associated with more fixed forms of instrument and electronic works(namely fixed media) and places itself between the idioms of fixed media and real-time electronics. The composer will describe the experience of navigating the mixed music medium, as a departure from apre dominantly acousmatic background, and how aspects of acousmatic music filter into work where control and precision apply on different scales and in contrasting dimensions. Associated with this, the paper questions the notion of the composer Õs voice and identity within works involving improvisation, and establishes a discussion point regarding compositional signatures by contextualizing this argument within the mixed music medium. The paper will be accompanied by live demonstrations with Trio Atem (Gavin Osbourn, Nina Whiteman and Alice Purton) and the performer Õs perspectives (musicians and laptop performers) to illuminate the discussion.


Blackburn, M. (2012, December). Improvisation, Dynamic Form and the Acousmatic Music Composer: Perspectives on Triple Retort. Paper presented at INTER/actions Symposium, 2012, University of Bangor, Wales

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name INTER/actions Symposium, 2012
Conference Location University of Bangor, Wales
Deposit Date Dec 13, 2023
Publisher URL