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All Outputs (3)

Sustainable Combustion Technologies Need Acoustics Research (2023)
Conference Proceeding
Heckl, M. (2023). Sustainable Combustion Technologies Need Acoustics Research. .

This paper outlines the challenges of developing hydrogen-fueled combustion systems, which are safe from combustion instabilities. Combustion instabilities can occur in any configuration where a continuously burning flame is housed in an acoustic res... Read More about Sustainable Combustion Technologies Need Acoustics Research.

The effects of different types of noise on thermoacoustic systems using a Green's function approach (2023)
Conference Proceeding
Arabi, S., & Heckl, M. (2023). The effects of different types of noise on thermoacoustic systems using a Green's function approach. .

In this paper, we take advantage of using a Green's function approach as an analytical tool to study linear and nonlinear aspects of thermoacoustic systems. Green's function is defined as the impulse response of a system, it has a clear physical mean... Read More about The effects of different types of noise on thermoacoustic systems using a Green's function approach.