First Observations on the Nesting Behavior of the Colombian Mountain-Grackle (Macroagelaius Subalaris), a Probable Cooperative Breeder.
Journal Article
Daniel Cadena, C., Devenish, C., & Silva, N. (2002). First Observations on the Nesting Behavior of the Colombian Mountain-Grackle (Macroagelaius Subalaris), a Probable Cooperative Breeder. Ornitologia Neotropical, 13(3), 301-306
All Outputs (1147)
The host galaxy of GRB010222: the strongest damped Lyman-alpha system known (2001)
Journal Article
Maxted, P. (2001). The host galaxy of GRB010222: the strongest damped Lyman-alpha system knownAnalysis of the absorption lines in the afterglow spectrum of the gamma-ray burst GRB010222 indicates that its host galaxy (at a redshift of z=1.476) is the strongest damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) system known, having a very low metallicity and modest dus... Read More about The host galaxy of GRB010222: the strongest damped Lyman-alpha system known.
Emission from the secondary star in the old CV WZ Sge (2001)
Journal Article
Maxted. (2001). Emission from the secondary star in the old CV WZ Sge. Astrophysical Journal, 145-148. present the first detection of the mass donor star in the cataclysmic variable WZ Sge. Phase resolved spectroscopy reveals narrow Balmer emission components from the irradiated secondary star during the 2001 outburst. Its radial velocity curve ind... Read More about Emission from the secondary star in the old CV WZ Sge.
Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs around Sigma Orionis (2001)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2001). Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs around Sigma OrionisWe present optical spectroscopy of 71 photometric candidate low-mass members of the cluster associated with Sigma Orionis. Thirty-five of these are found to pass the lithium test and hence are confirmed as true cluster members, covering a mass range... Read More about Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs around Sigma Orionis.
Migration and Masquerade: Gender and Habitus in the Philippines. (2001)
Journal Article
McKay. (2001). Migration and Masquerade: Gender and Habitus in the PhilippinesGlobalization recreates translocalities from what were previously imagined as isolated, peripheral communities. In the Philippines, a remote indigenous community incorporates new practices of gender brought by female circular migrants from urban 'abr... Read More about Migration and Masquerade: Gender and Habitus in the Philippines..
High-resolution sequence interpretation of epeiric shelf carbonates by means of palynofacies analysis: An example from the Germanic Triassic (Lower Muschelkalk, Anisian) of East Thuringia, Germany (2000)
Journal Article
(2000). High-resolution sequence interpretation of epeiric shelf carbonates by means of palynofacies analysis: An example from the Germanic Triassic (Lower Muschelkalk, Anisian) of East Thuringia, Germany. Facies, 123 - 143. Steudnitz quarry (East Thuringia, Germany) exposes the entire Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic, Anisian) with a thickness of 103 m. In this paper, a primarily palynofacies-based sequence-stratigraphical interpretation supported by lithological... Read More about High-resolution sequence interpretation of epeiric shelf carbonates by means of palynofacies analysis: An example from the Germanic Triassic (Lower Muschelkalk, Anisian) of East Thuringia, Germany.
Analysing Census Microdata (2000)
Dale, A., Fieldhouse, E., & Holdsworth, C. (2000). Analysing Census Microdata. WileyThe use of census microdata - which is the extremely detailed information collected through the 'ultracensusing' of a small number of households at the time of the last census - forms an important part of many research activities in subject areas as... Read More about Analysing Census Microdata.
Ages, distances, and the initial mass functions of stellar clusters (2000)
Journal Article
Jeffries, R. (2000). Ages, distances, and the initial mass functions of stellar clusters. arXiv,We provide a review of the current status of several topics on the ages, distances, and mass functions of open clusters, with a particular emphasis on illuminating the areas of uncertainty. Hipparcos has obtained parallaxes for nearby open clusters t... Read More about Ages, distances, and the initial mass functions of stellar clusters.
A 6.4-hr positive superhump period in TV Col (1999)
Journal Article
(1999). A 6.4-hr positive superhump period in TV ColRe-examination of photometric data of TV Col (Hellier, 1993) reveals positive superhumps in addition to the negative superhumps previously known. The superhump period is 0.265+/-0.005 day - about 16 percent longer than the orbital period - which obey... Read More about A 6.4-hr positive superhump period in TV Col.
Dr John Thomas Arlidge and Victorian Occupational Medicine (1998)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, C. (1998). Dr John Thomas Arlidge and Victorian Occupational Medicine. Medical History, 42(4), 458-475.
Leaving home in Spain: A regional analysis (1998)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, C. (1998). Leaving home in Spain: A regional analysis. International Journal of Population Geography, 4(4), 341-360. paper compares regional patterns of leaving home in Spain during the 1970s and 1980s based on analysis of the 1991 Spanish Sociodemographic Survey. The purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate that while nationally Spain is representative of a... Read More about Leaving home in Spain: A regional analysis.
Issues in the analysis of ethnicity in the 1991 British Census: Evidence from microdata (1997)
Journal Article
Dale, A., & Holdsworth, C. (1997). Issues in the analysis of ethnicity in the 1991 British Census: Evidence from microdata. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 20(1), 160-181. 1991 British Census was the first to ask a question on ethnic group. This Research note provides a brief review of the development of the question and then uses the Samples of Anonymised Records, also newly available in 1991, to explore the const... Read More about Issues in the analysis of ethnicity in the 1991 British Census: Evidence from microdata.
Ethnic differences in women's employment (1997)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, C., & Dale, A. (1997). Ethnic differences in women's employment. Work, Employment and Society, 11(3), 435-457. paper uses the 1 per cent household file from the Samples of Anonymised Records (SARs) for the 1991 Census and the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) to explore variations in patterns of employment and occupational attainment among women from different... Read More about Ethnic differences in women's employment.
Women's work and family health: Evidence from the Staffordshire Potteries, 1890-1920 (1997)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, C. (1997). Women's work and family health: Evidence from the Staffordshire Potteries, 1890-1920. Continuity and Change, 12(1), 103–128. progress of industrialization throughout the nineteenth century had profound effects on health and mortality. One relationship that contemporaries found particularly alarming was the potentially damaging effect that the employment of women in ind... Read More about Women's work and family health: Evidence from the Staffordshire Potteries, 1890-1920.
The geology of the Precambrian rocks of La Hague, Manche, France (1974)
Power, G. M. (1974). The geology of the Precambrian rocks of La Hague, Manche, France. (Thesis). Keele UniversityThe Precambrian rocks of La Hague have been divided into three areas of older gneisses, an orthogneiss complex intrusive into these gneisses and a series of post-tectonic granitic rocks.
The gneisses of the Nez de Jobourg, Omonville and Greville are... Read More about The geology of the Precambrian rocks of La Hague, Manche, France.
The sedimentology and stratigraphy of red beds in the Westphalian A to C of central England
Besly, B. (1983). The sedimentology and stratigraphy of red beds in the Westphalian A to C of central EnglandRed beds in the Westphalian A to C of Central England belong to the Etruria Formation. Examination of exposures and cores has allowed subdivision of this Formation into three Facies Associations.
Facies Association I forms the gradational base of t... Read More about The sedimentology and stratigraphy of red beds in the Westphalian A to C of central England.
The geology of the Corrieyairack Pass area, Inverness-shire
Haselock, P. (1982). The geology of the Corrieyairack Pass area, Inverness-shireDetailed mapping of 100, around the Corrieyairack Pass, Inverness-shire, has revealed the presence of two distinct lithostrati- graphic successions within dominantly psammitic metasediments. The two successions have been lithologically subdivid... Read More about The geology of the Corrieyairack Pass area, Inverness-shire.
Stratigraphical and sedimentological studies of Upper Carboniferous rocks in northwestern Turkey
Kerey, I. E. (1982). Stratigraphical and sedimentological studies of Upper Carboniferous rocks in northwestern Turkey
Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the place of leisure in the life styles of young adults
Bernard, M. (1983). Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the place of leisure in the life styles of young adultsAny attempt to understand the nature of leisure must explore how it meshes with other aspects of people's lives. Early research on leisure tended to be large-scale and activity rather than peopleorientated, which has proved restrictive in planning te... Read More about Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the place of leisure in the life styles of young adults.
The geology of the Lewisian rocks north of Loch Torridon, Ross-Shire, Scotland
Cresswell, D. (1969). The geology of the Lewisian rocks north of Loch Torridon, Ross-Shire, ScotlandThe Lewisian rocks of Loch Torridon consist of banded acid gneisses enclosing a number of basic and ultrabasic bodies and cut by a swarm of NW-SE trending basic dykes and by a later set of pegmatite dykes and a granite sheet.
No definite conclusion... Read More about The geology of the Lewisian rocks north of Loch Torridon, Ross-Shire, Scotland.