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All Outputs (268)

Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’ (2024)
Briody, L. J. Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

‘Vulnerability’ has become an increasing area of business within contemporary policing, (HMIC, 2015; HMICFRS, 2016). What ‘vulnerability’ means within a police framework and policing practice, however, has been elusive (Keay & Kirby, 2018). Researche... Read More about Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’.

Analysing power dynamics in teachers’ understanding of policies through storytelling about refugees in the East Midlands region (2024)
Hewitt, S. Analysing power dynamics in teachers’ understanding of policies through storytelling about refugees in the East Midlands region. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The aim of this thesis was to use storytelling to determine how five teachers in the East Midlands assimilated conflicting discourses into practice and whether they aligned policy with personal and professional beliefs, ultimately identifying if they... Read More about Analysing power dynamics in teachers’ understanding of policies through storytelling about refugees in the East Midlands region.

Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire? (2024)
Fox, H. Y. Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Risk terrain modelling (RTM) has been demonstrated to work in identifying locations at future risk of crime, with most published research in highly urbanised areas of the America’s. This research investigates the applicability of RTM, using the Simsi... Read More about Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire?.

Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two (2024)
Longson, K. J. Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

World War Two (WWII) brought upheaval for children on a global scale, with fathers conscripted and transported away to fight in sometimes distant places, mothers supporting the war effort and millions of children evacuated away from home and harm. Pe... Read More about Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two.

‘More able’ pupils in non-selective secondary schools: a qualitative examination of teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of progress (2024)
Buckingham, P. E. ‘More able’ pupils in non-selective secondary schools: a qualitative examination of teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of progress. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores the experiences of students labelled as ‘more able’, privileging the voices of pupils and practitioners equally. The research is conducted within a non-selective ‘comprehensive’ secondary school in England and argues that the cur... Read More about ‘More able’ pupils in non-selective secondary schools: a qualitative examination of teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of progress.

Why bad policy persists: examining finance practitioners’ views of the English NHS internal market (2024)
Outhwaite, L. Why bad policy persists: examining finance practitioners’ views of the English NHS internal market. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis evaluates the reasons for the longevity of the English NHS internal market policy, which challenged the post-1948 public provision model for healthcare services. It reviews the intellectual underpinning of the policy, derived from New Pub... Read More about Why bad policy persists: examining finance practitioners’ views of the English NHS internal market.

Creativity as a scientific-social phenomenon (2024)
Kamran, S. (2024). Creativity as a scientific-social phenomenon. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

In recent years, educational academics, teachers, and politicians from all over the world have turned their attention to the need to encourage children's creativity in their academic studies. Creativity is a critical component of thinking and learnin... Read More about Creativity as a scientific-social phenomenon.

How do stroke survivors self-manage their life-career transitions? (2024)
Wilson, C. T. (2024). How do stroke survivors self-manage their life-career transitions?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Using the metaphor of life-thread, medical sociologists have drawn attention to the biographical disruption caused by stroke. However, there is little literature examining stroke-survivors’ (approaches to life-career transitions after ac... Read More about How do stroke survivors self-manage their life-career transitions?.

The politics of the UK food sovereignty movement (2024)
Westwell, E. (2024). The politics of the UK food sovereignty movement. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores the political nature of UK Food Sovereignty Movement (UKFSM), focusing predominantly on its expression in England. In doing so this research informs an understanding of what the food sovereignty movement is in the context of the... Read More about The politics of the UK food sovereignty movement.

Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns (2024)
Dawson, C. S. (2024). Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

An entanglement, a lack of self-contained existence, between feminism and neoliberalism emerged in the 1990s in popular media and consumer culture. Since, feminist scholars have attempted to describe and explain postfeminism. Postfeminism emphasises... Read More about Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns.

Becoming and being a counsellor: An exploration of the tension between graduate learning regimes and professional identity in a counsellor training programme in Singapore (2024)
Tan, T. L. L. (2024). Becoming and being a counsellor: An exploration of the tension between graduate learning regimes and professional identity in a counsellor training programme in Singapore. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

In this thesis, the author investigates and explores the experience of the ‘becoming’ and ‘being’ of Singaporean counselling graduates as they navigate their professional identity in a specific counselling training programme in Singapore. ‘Becoming’... Read More about Becoming and being a counsellor: An exploration of the tension between graduate learning regimes and professional identity in a counsellor training programme in Singapore.

Constructing and maintaining a ‘noncriminal’ identity: a psychosocial narrative inquiry into the lives of people with convictions (2023)
Collett, N. (2023). Constructing and maintaining a ‘noncriminal’ identity: a psychosocial narrative inquiry into the lives of people with convictions. (Thesis). Keele University

Despite burgeoning interest in the field of collateral consequences research, there is little empirical research exploring the subjective experiences of people living with convictions (PWCs), particularly within the jurisdiction of England and Wales.... Read More about Constructing and maintaining a ‘noncriminal’ identity: a psychosocial narrative inquiry into the lives of people with convictions.

Mystical Post-anarchism (2023)
Lewis, K. J. (2023). Mystical Post-anarchism. (Thesis). Keele University

The aim of this thesis is to explore the theoretical response that a mystical approach to post-anarchism can provide to the problems of domination and control within the contemporary capitalist state. In doing this, it also seeks to find a way past s... Read More about Mystical Post-anarchism.

Hope and local food activism in a North Wales town: a conceptual and ethnographic study (2023)
West, R. H. (2023). Hope and local food activism in a North Wales town: a conceptual and ethnographic study. (Thesis). Keele University

The aim of this thesis is to examine the relationship between hope and local food growing projects within a sustainability context. Hope has often been overlooked or dismissed as naïve in sociological and political discourse, while interstitial polit... Read More about Hope and local food activism in a North Wales town: a conceptual and ethnographic study.

Conscious robots: what happens when a philosophical confusion becomes a societal reality? (2023)
Ozdemir, S. (2023). Conscious robots: what happens when a philosophical confusion becomes a societal reality?. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis is an investigation into philosophical issues surrounding the production of human-like robots. I will argue that there is no reason to think conscious robots will ever be built, but that supposedly conscious robots that are able to emulat... Read More about Conscious robots: what happens when a philosophical confusion becomes a societal reality?.

A social realist challenge to the structuring of professional practice knowledge for initial teacher education in England (2023)
Swift, D. (2023). A social realist challenge to the structuring of professional practice knowledge for initial teacher education in England. (Thesis). Keele University

Professional practice knowledge for beginning teachers involves grappling with the extent to which ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ should be evident during initial teacher education courses. The end point assessment tool for such programmes in England is tha... Read More about A social realist challenge to the structuring of professional practice knowledge for initial teacher education in England.

Between pragmatism and ideology: role-conflict management in Turkey’s foreign policy towards Israel under the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), 2002-2022 (2023)
Çelik, A. (2023). Between pragmatism and ideology: role-conflict management in Turkey’s foreign policy towards Israel under the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), 2002-2022. (Thesis). Keele University

The opposed tendencies in Turkey’s foreign policy—shifting between pragmatism and ideology—have become an issue of debate in both political and academic circles ever since the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (Justice and Development Party, or AKP) came to... Read More about Between pragmatism and ideology: role-conflict management in Turkey’s foreign policy towards Israel under the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), 2002-2022.

War stories: composure and discomposure in British veterans’ communication of their experiences of the Falklands War, 1982 (2023)
Beales, J. M. (2023). War stories: composure and discomposure in British veterans’ communication of their experiences of the Falklands War, 1982. (Thesis). Keele University

Scholars have extensively studied the cultural and political impacts of the Falklands War in Britain. However, despite the proliferation of veterans’ memoirs, oral histories, and written accounts of the war there are few academic analyses of veterans... Read More about War stories: composure and discomposure in British veterans’ communication of their experiences of the Falklands War, 1982.