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All Outputs (7)

Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two (2024)
Longson, K. J. Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

World War Two (WWII) brought upheaval for children on a global scale, with fathers conscripted and transported away to fight in sometimes distant places, mothers supporting the war effort and millions of children evacuated away from home and harm. Pe... Read More about Letters from home: an interpretive exploration of the experiences of people who were children during World War Two.

Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns (2024)
Dawson, C. S. (2024). Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

An entanglement, a lack of self-contained existence, between feminism and neoliberalism emerged in the 1990s in popular media and consumer culture. Since, feminist scholars have attempted to describe and explain postfeminism. Postfeminism emphasises... Read More about Politics en Vogue: an exploration of entanglements of US consumer capitalism, feminisms, and environmental concerns.

The tragedy of utopia in the age of the Anthropocene: Beyond dystopia, despair and catastrophic futures (2024)
Journal Article
Featherstone, M. (2024). The tragedy of utopia in the age of the Anthropocene: Beyond dystopia, despair and catastrophic futures. European Journal of Social Theory,

My key objective in this article is to explore the history of the concept of utopia and its application in really existing social, political, economic and cultural forms. Starting with a consideration of what I call the economy of utopia, I theorise... Read More about The tragedy of utopia in the age of the Anthropocene: Beyond dystopia, despair and catastrophic futures.

Fragmentation, demonisation and breakdown : an exploration of how neoliberalism and the recession have affected older people's lives in Stoke-on-Trent (2019)
Jones, A. L. (2019). Fragmentation, demonisation and breakdown : an exploration of how neoliberalism and the recession have affected older people's lives in Stoke-on-Trent. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Whilst there has been an academic ‘obsess[ion]’ with the topics of neoliberalism and the recession, there remains a significant gap in sociological and gerontological literature concerning how these macro forces have impacted upon real people, specif... Read More about Fragmentation, demonisation and breakdown : an exploration of how neoliberalism and the recession have affected older people's lives in Stoke-on-Trent.

The Sociology of Debt (Ed. M Featherstone) (2019)
Featherstone, M. (2019). M. Featherstone (Ed.). The Sociology of Debt (Ed. M Featherstone). Bristol University Press.

This book includes contributions from a range of authors in a variety of disciplines who approach debt from holistic perspectives, providing accounts that span both social scientific as well as economic analysis.

A critical analysis of neo-liberal reforms to the English NHS since the year 2000 (2018)
Benbow, D. I. (2018). A critical analysis of neo-liberal reforms to the English NHS since the year 2000. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Solidarity was important in the creation and maintenance of the English NHS, which was the product of class compromise. Its founding principles were that it was to be free (at the point of access), universal, comprehensive and primarily funded from g... Read More about A critical analysis of neo-liberal reforms to the English NHS since the year 2000.