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All Outputs (25)

The Oxford Handbook of Daniel Defoe (Ed. by N Seager) (2023)
Seager, N. (2023). N. Seager, & J. Downie (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Daniel Defoe (Ed. by N Seager). Oxford University Press (OUP).

The Oxford Handbook of Daniel Defoe is the most comprehensive overview available of the author's life, times, writings, and reception. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) is a major author in world literature, renowned for a succession of novels including Robin... Read More about The Oxford Handbook of Daniel Defoe (Ed. by N Seager).

Policing Distracted Driving (2023)
Wells, H., & Savigar-Shaw, L. (2023). Policing Distracted Driving. (1). London: Palgrave Macmillan

This book draws on original research and existing theoretical perspectives and frameworks to critically examine the role of roads policing and its place within the wider field of policing. It looks at the challenges and complexities of doing roads po... Read More about Policing Distracted Driving.

Cognitive Psychology in a Changing World (2023)
J. Ball, L., T. Butler, L., Sherman, S., & St Clair-Thompson, H. (2023). Cognitive Psychology in a Changing World. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This unique textbook explores core cognitive psychology topics from an innovative new perspective, focusing on key real-world issues to show how we understand and experience the world.

The book examines compelling topics such as creativity, proble... Read More about Cognitive Psychology in a Changing World.

The Minimum Dwelling Revisited: CIAM's Practical Utopia (1928-31) (2023)
Kallis, A. (2023). The Minimum Dwelling Revisited: CIAM's Practical Utopia (1928-31). London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Publishing

This book provides an intellectual history of the modernist "minimum dwelling", exploring how early modernism saw mass housing as a primary vehicle for achieving the utopian transformation of society. It reappraises the often-overlooked 2nd and 3rd C... Read More about The Minimum Dwelling Revisited: CIAM's Practical Utopia (1928-31).

Equity & Trusts (2023)
Haley, M., & McMurtry, L. (2023). Equity & Trusts. London: Sweet and Maxwell

This co-authored 7th edition provides a detailed and contemporary examination of the law of equity & trusts. Over 873 pages, the book combines an in depth commentary with scholarly analysis and takes account of the latest legislative and caselaw deve... Read More about Equity & Trusts.

Entrepreneurship as a Route out of Poverty: A Focus on Women and Minority Ethnic Groups (2023)
Olarewaju, T. (2023). Entrepreneurship as a Route out of Poverty: A Focus on Women and Minority Ethnic Groups. (1). Palgrave Macmillan.

This book examines how entrepreneurship can be used as a tool to escape poverty. With relevance for both SDG 1: ‘No Poverty,’ and SDG 8: ‘Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for... Read More about Entrepreneurship as a Route out of Poverty: A Focus on Women and Minority Ethnic Groups.

Global Failure and World Literature: Reading the Contemporary Quest Novel (2023)
Borg Cardona, K. (2023). Global Failure and World Literature: Reading the Contemporary Quest Novel. De Gruyter.

While the contemporary era has witnessed a series of spectacular failures with severe and widespread global consequences, failure is still broadly understood on an individual level, while its broader causes and consequences receive little attention.... Read More about Global Failure and World Literature: Reading the Contemporary Quest Novel.

Decommissioning The Twentieth Century (2023)
Anderson, B., & Morgan, C. (2023). Decommissioning The Twentieth Century. London: Uniform Books

In the decades after 1945, Britain witnessed a dramatic period of technological innovation and expansion. The state transformed the countryside with grids of pylons, huge concrete edifices, and a new era of extraction, while both rural and urban soci... Read More about Decommissioning The Twentieth Century.

Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (Ed. Sadek Hamid and Stephen H. Jones) (2023)
Jones, S. H. (2023). S. Hamid (Ed.). Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (Ed. Sadek Hamid and Stephen H. Jones). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This unique collaboration between scholars, practitioners and Muslim artists profiles emerging forms of contemporary British Muslim art, prompting a debate about its purpose and its inclusion in UK society. It features analysis of Muslim art as a cat... Read More about Contemporary British Muslim Arts and Cultural Production (Ed. Sadek Hamid and Stephen H. Jones).

Global Justice and Recognition Theory: Dignifying the World’s Poor (2023)
Mookherjee, M. Global Justice and Recognition Theory: Dignifying the World’s Poor. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

In the light of intense international focus on ongoing forms of world poverty, this book examines the potential of the concept of recognition in contemporary political philosophy to respond morally to this dire condition.

This book uses recognitio... Read More about Global Justice and Recognition Theory: Dignifying the World’s Poor.

The Trafficking of Children: International Law, Modern Slavery, and the Anti-Trafficking Machine (2023)
Faulkner, E. A. (2023). The Trafficking of Children: International Law, Modern Slavery, and the Anti-Trafficking Machine. (1). Springer.

The phenomenon of child trafficking holds a unique position as an issue of significant contemporary relevance, occupying a principal place in debates about human rights today. The interchangeable terms trafficking and modern slavery evoke emotive res... Read More about The Trafficking of Children: International Law, Modern Slavery, and the Anti-Trafficking Machine.