The Tramp in British Literature, 1850—1950
Davies, L. (2021). The Tramp in British Literature, 1850—1950. Palgrave Macmillan.
All Outputs (370)
The Unsexed Mind and Psychological Androgyny, 1790-1848: Radicalism, Reform and Gender in England (2021)
Russell, V. F. (2021). The Unsexed Mind and Psychological Androgyny, 1790-1848: Radicalism, Reform and Gender in England. Springer. book explores a significant lacuna in British history. Between the 1790s and the 1840s, the concept of psychological androgyny or the unsexed mind emerged as a notion of psychosexual equality, promoted by a small though influential network of he... Read More about The Unsexed Mind and Psychological Androgyny, 1790-1848: Radicalism, Reform and Gender in England.
Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory (2021)
Childs, L., Greither, C., Keating, K., Koch, A., Kohl, T., Truman, P., & Underwood, R. (2021). Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory. American Mathematical Society. algebras have been shown to play a natural role in studying questions of integral module structure in extensions of local or global fields. This book surveys the state of the art in Hopf-Galois theory and Hopf-Galois module theory and can be vie... Read More about Hopf Algebras and Galois Module Theory.
Islam and the Liberal State: National Identity and the Future of Muslim Britain (2021)
Jones, S. H. Islam and the Liberal State: National Identity and the Future of Muslim Britain. Bloomsbury.
Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy (2021)
Montenari, M. (Ed.). (2021). Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy. Amsterdam: ElsevierStratigraphy & Timescales, Volume Six in the Advances in Sequence Stratigraphy series covers research in stratigraphic disciplines, including the most recent developments in the geosciences. This fully commissioned review publication aims to foster a... Read More about Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy.
Ireland and the European Union: Economic, political and social crises (Ed. K Simpson) (2021)
Simpson, K. (2021). M. Holmes, & K. Simpson (Eds.). Ireland and the European Union: Economic, political and social crises (Ed. K Simpson). Manchester University PressThis book examines how Ireland's relationship with the EU was affected by a succession of crises in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The financial crisis, the Brexit crisis and the migration crisis were not of equal significance on... Read More about Ireland and the European Union: Economic, political and social crises (Ed. K Simpson).
Schopenhauer and the Nature of Philosophy (2021)
Head. (2021). Schopenhauer and the Nature of PhilosophyWhat is philosophy? What can philosophy offer us? What brings us to think philosophically? Arthur Schopenhauer’s writings offer fascinating answers to these questions that have largely been overlooked until now. In Schopenhauer and the Nature of Phil... Read More about Schopenhauer and the Nature of Philosophy.
Early Medical Abortion, Equality of Access, and the Telemedical Imperative (2021)
Parsons, J. A., & Romanis, E. C. (2021). Early Medical Abortion, Equality of Access, and the Telemedical Imperative. Oxford University Press. a comprehensive review of the evidence demonstrating that telemedical early medical abortion up to 10 weeks' gestation is safe, effective, and acceptable to patients
Thoroughly examines safety-based arguments against telemedical early medic... Read More about Early Medical Abortion, Equality of Access, and the Telemedical Imperative.
The Social Life of Busyness (2021)
Holdsworth, C. (2021). The Social Life of Busyness. Emerald. Social Life of Busyness engages with the assumption that busyness is taking over everyday life by exploring busyness at work, at home and during leisure time.
Green Marketing in Emerging Markets (2021)
(2021). C. Mukonza, R. E. Hinson, O. Adeola, I. Adisa, E. Mogaji, & A. C. Kirgiz (Eds.), Green Marketing in Emerging Markets. Springer International Publishing. what the developments in green marketing mean for businesses operating in emerging economies
Sheds light on green marketing as an integrated and strategic process
Provides a conceptual and empirical overview of the topic of Green Market... Read More about Green Marketing in Emerging Markets.
Freak to Chic "Gay" Men in and Out of Fashion After Oscar Wilde (2021)
Janes, D. (2021). Freak to Chic "Gay" Men in and Out of Fashion After Oscar Wilde. (1). Bloomsbury Publishing
The Letter-Book of Thomas Baret of Norwich: merchant and textile manufacturer, 1672-1677 (Ed. S. Talbot) (2021)
Talbot, S. (2021). S. Talbott (Ed.). The Letter-Book of Thomas Baret of Norwich: merchant and textile manufacturer, 1672-1677 (Ed. S. Talbot). Norfolk Record Society
Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 1: Statics and Stability (Ed. J Kaplunov) (2021)
Kaplunov, J. (2021). N. Challamel, J. Kaplunov, & I. Takewaki (Eds.). Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 1: Statics and Stability (Ed. J Kaplunov). Wiley.
Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe’s Superdiverse Neighbourhoods (2021)
Pemberton. (2021). Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe’s Superdiverse Neighbourhoods. (1). Taylor and Francis Group. diversity means European cities are becoming increasingly superdiverse. Some European neighbourhoods have become places where newcomers arrive from across the world, speaking many different languages, from a range of socio-economic b... Read More about Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe’s Superdiverse Neighbourhoods.
Brand Management: An Introduction through Storytelling (2021)
Mogaji, E. (2021). Brand Management: An Introduction through Storytelling. Springer. accessible text for branding beginners that avoids technical jargon
Includes coverage of cutting edge issues and hot topics such as brand ethics, social media, brand love and brand hate
Equips students with the main concepts and theories to... Read More about Brand Management: An Introduction through Storytelling.
Elite Confederate Women in the American Civil War: Lived Experiences in the Nineteenth Century (Ed. Kristen Brill) (2021)
Brill, K. K. Brill (Ed.). Elite Confederate Women in the American Civil War: Lived Experiences in the Nineteenth Century (Ed. Kristen Brill). Routledge.
HIT (Hip Injection Trial) Advice and Exercise Leaflet (2021)
Roddy, Paskins, & Garvin. (2021). HIT (Hip Injection Trial) Advice and Exercise Leaflet. and exercises recommended for hip osteoarthritis. This leaflet is divided into 2 parts: The first section includes advice for day to day activities. The second section includes exercises. These are split into easy, medium and harder exercises.
Picturing Home (2021)
Price, H. Picturing Home
TReatments of Exercise AnD Orthotic devices for plaNtar heel pain (TREADON) pilot and feasibility trial Self-Management Advice Booklet (2021)
Thomas, Roddy, Mallen, & Lewis. (2021). TReatments of Exercise AnD Orthotic devices for plaNtar heel pain (TREADON) pilot and feasibility trial Self-Management Advice Booklet. record is the participant Self-Management Advice Booklet used in the TReatments of Exercise AnD Orthotic devices for plaNtar heel pain (TREADON) pilot and feasibility trial.
Trial registration number: International Standard Randomised Controll... Read More about TReatments of Exercise AnD Orthotic devices for plaNtar heel pain (TREADON) pilot and feasibility trial Self-Management Advice Booklet.
Picturing home Domestic life and modernity in 1940s British film (2021)
Price, H. (2021). Picturing home Domestic life and modernity in 1940s British film