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The star formation history of the Magellanic Clouds derived from long-period variable star counts (2014)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2014). The star formation history of the Magellanic Clouds derived from long-period variable star counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2214 -2222.

We present the first reconstruction of the star formation history (SFH) of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC) using Long Period Variable stars. These cool evolved stars reach their peak luminosity in the near-infrared; thus, their K-... Read More about The star formation history of the Magellanic Clouds derived from long-period variable star counts.

Palynology of the Kazanian stratotype section (Permian, Russia): palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic implications (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Palynology of the Kazanian stratotype section (Permian, Russia): palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic implications. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 149 - 158.

Palynomorph assemblages reflect changes in land plant communities and are thus significant proxies to interpret palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes. The Middle Permian of the East European Platform is crucial to the understanding of marine... Read More about Palynology of the Kazanian stratotype section (Permian, Russia): palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic implications.

Pain medication management of musculoskeletal conditions at first presentation in primary care: analysis of routinely collected medical record data (2014)
Journal Article
Ndlovu, M., Bedson, J., Jones, P. W., & Jordan, K. (2014). Pain medication management of musculoskeletal conditions at first presentation in primary care: analysis of routinely collected medical record data. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, Article 418.

BACKGROUND: Primary care pharmacological management of new musculoskeletal conditions is not consistent, despite guidelines which recommend prescribing basic analgesics before higher potency medications such as opioids or non-steroidal inflammatory d... Read More about Pain medication management of musculoskeletal conditions at first presentation in primary care: analysis of routinely collected medical record data.

The Ariadne principles: how to handle multimorbidity in primary care consultations. (2014)
Journal Article
Mallen. (2014). The Ariadne principles: how to handle multimorbidity in primary care consultations. BMC Medicine, 223 - ?.

Multimorbidity is a health issue mostly dealt with in primary care practice. As a result of their generalist and patient-centered approach, long-lasting relationships with patients, and responsibility for continuity and coordination of care, family p... Read More about The Ariadne principles: how to handle multimorbidity in primary care consultations..

Neurological diseases of rabbits and rodents (2014)
Journal Article
Meredith, A. L., & Richardson, J. (2015). Neurological diseases of rabbits and rodents. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24(1), 21-33.

Clinical signs of neurological disease, such as head tilt, hind limb paresis or paralysis, seizures, and muscle weakness, are commonly encountered in pet rabbits, and in the authors׳ experience, less often in rodent species. Moreover, localisation of... Read More about Neurological diseases of rabbits and rodents.

"Jack Presbyter in His Proper Habit": subverting Whig rhetoric in Aphra Behn's The Roundheads (1682) (2014)
Journal Article
Adcock, R. (2014). "Jack Presbyter in His Proper Habit": subverting Whig rhetoric in Aphra Behn's The Roundheads (1682). Women's Writing, 34 -55.

Aphra Behn’s The Roundheads (1st perf. 1681, pub. 1682) was produced during a propaganda battle between the Whigs and Tories and set during the Interregnum in order to draw parallels between parliamentary usurpation and the Whig plea for
“liberty an... Read More about "Jack Presbyter in His Proper Habit": subverting Whig rhetoric in Aphra Behn's The Roundheads (1682).

Repeated primary care consultations for non-specific physical symptoms in children in UK: a cohort study (2014)
Journal Article
Bucknall, M., Mallen, C. D., & Dunn, K. M. (2014). Repeated primary care consultations for non-specific physical symptoms in children in UK: a cohort study. BMC Family Practice, 195 - ?.

BackgroundNon-specific physical symptoms (NSPS), such as headache and abdominal pain, are common reasons for children to consult primary care. NSPS represent a significant burden not only on society, but also on health care services, through frequent... Read More about Repeated primary care consultations for non-specific physical symptoms in children in UK: a cohort study.

Erosive osteoarthritis: a more severe form of radiographic hand osteoarthritis rather than a distinct entity? (2014)
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Nicholls, E., Kwok, W., Peat, G., Kloppenburg, M., Van Der Windt, D., …Dziedzic, K. (2014). Erosive osteoarthritis: a more severe form of radiographic hand osteoarthritis rather than a distinct entity?. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(1), 136 - 141.

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether erosive osteoarthritis shares the same pattern of joint involvement and risk profile as increasing grades of non-erosive hand osteoarthritis. METHODS: Participants were from two population-based cohorts, aged =50 year... Read More about Erosive osteoarthritis: a more severe form of radiographic hand osteoarthritis rather than a distinct entity?.

Multi-modal analysis of courtship behaviour in the old world leishmaniasis vector Phlebotomus argentipes (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Multi-modal analysis of courtship behaviour in the old world leishmaniasis vector Phlebotomus argentipes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, e3316 -?.

BACKGROUND: The sand fly Phlebotomus argentipes is arguably the most important vector of leishmaniasis worldwide. As there is no vaccine against the parasites that cause leishmaniasis, disease prevention focuses on control of the insect vector. Under... Read More about Multi-modal analysis of courtship behaviour in the old world leishmaniasis vector Phlebotomus argentipes.

Tracking calcification in tissue-engineered bone using synchrotron micro-FTIR and SEM (2014)
Journal Article
Deegan, A. J., Cinque, G., Wehbe, K., Konduru, S., & Yang, Y. (2015). Tracking calcification in tissue-engineered bone using synchrotron micro-FTIR and SEM. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(4), 1097-1105.

One novel tissue engineering approach to mimic in vivo bone formation is the use of aggregate or micromass cultures. Various qualitative and quantitative techniques, such as histochemical staining, protein assay kits and RT-PCR, have been used previo... Read More about Tracking calcification in tissue-engineered bone using synchrotron micro-FTIR and SEM.

The final fate of stars that ignite neon and oxygen off-center: electron capture or iron core-collapse supernova? (2014)
Journal Article
Jones, S., Hirschi, R., & Nomoto, K. (2014). The final fate of stars that ignite neon and oxygen off-center: electron capture or iron core-collapse supernova?. Astrophysical Journal, 797(2), 83.

In the ONeMg cores of $8.8-9.5~{\rm M}_\odot$ stars, neon and oxygen burning is ignited off-center. Whether the neon-oxygen flame propagates to the center is critical to determine whether these stars undergo Fe core collapse or electron capture induc... Read More about The final fate of stars that ignite neon and oxygen off-center: electron capture or iron core-collapse supernova?.

Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review (2014)
Journal Article
Apfelbacher, C., Paudyal, P., Bülbül, A., & Smith, H. (2014). Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews,

Background Asthma is a frequent chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, and the assessment of health-related quality of life (HrQoL) is important in both research and routine care. Various asthma-specific measures of HrQoL exist but there is unc... Read More about Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review.

Rapid production of cyclonic spray chambers for inductively coupled plasma applications using low cost 3D printer technology (2014)
Journal Article
Thompson, D. F. (2014). Rapid production of cyclonic spray chambers for inductively coupled plasma applications using low cost 3D printer technology. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2262 -2266.

The development of low cost 3D printer technology is having a profound effect on everyday life. Over the past few years there have been many reports in the media detailing futuristic uses of this technology. Whilst the merits of these applications ar... Read More about Rapid production of cyclonic spray chambers for inductively coupled plasma applications using low cost 3D printer technology.

ProteoAnnotator--open source proteogenomics annotation software supporting PSI standards. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). ProteoAnnotator--open source proteogenomics annotation software supporting PSI standards. Proteomics, 2731 - 2741.

The recent massive increase in capability for sequencing genomes is producing enormous advances in our understanding of biological systems. However, there is a bottleneck in genome annotation--determining the structure of all transcribed genes. Exper... Read More about ProteoAnnotator--open source proteogenomics annotation software supporting PSI standards..