Transcriptional effects of corticosteroid therapy on myelin genesis and neuronal health
Journal Article
Chari, D. (2011). Transcriptional effects of corticosteroid therapy on myelin genesis and neuronal health. Midlands Medicine, 26(3),
All Outputs (145)
Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic countries? (2011)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic countries?. University of Helsinki Discussion Paper series, 648,
The Links between Religion and Intolerance (2011)
Journal Article
Nehushtan, Y. (2011). The Links between Religion and Intolerance. Philosophy and Theology, 23(1), 91-132. paper explores two main arguments. The first argument is that religious persons—because they are religious persons—are likely to be more intolerant than non-religious persons. This argument is supported by decisive empirical evidence. The second... Read More about The Links between Religion and Intolerance.
Special Issue: (Re)creating Cultural Models of Motherhoods in Contemporary Advertising (2011)
Journal Article
Hogg, M., Maclaran, P., Martens, L., O'Donohoe, S., & Stevens, L. (2011). Special Issue: (Re)creating Cultural Models of Motherhoods in Contemporary Advertising. Advertising & Society Review, 12(2),
The properties of the interface between soybean oil and water (2011)
Journal Article
Han, J., & Su, D. (2011). The properties of the interface between soybean oil and water. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal,
Drives in Dispute: The West German Student Movement, Psychoanalysis, and the Search for a New Emotional Order, 1967-1971 (2011)
Journal Article
Kauders, A. D. (2011). Drives in Dispute: The West German Student Movement, Psychoanalysis, and the Search for a New Emotional Order, 1967-1971. Central European History, 44(4), 711-731.
Community Treatment Orders: a qualitative investigation of patient experiences in England (2011)
Journal Article
Rugkåsa, J., & Canvin, K. (2011). Community Treatment Orders: a qualitative investigation of patient experiences in England. Psychiatrische Praxis,
University Support for Student Volunteering in England: Historical Development and Contemporary Value (2011)
Journal Article
Brewis, G., & Holdsworth, C. (2011). University Support for Student Volunteering in England: Historical Development and Contemporary Value. Journal of Academic Ethics,
Foot posture after stroke: frequency, nature and clinical significance. (2011)
Journal Article
Forghany, S., Tyson, S., Nester, C., Preece, S., & Jones, R. (2011). Foot posture after stroke: frequency, nature and clinical significance. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25, 1050--1055. Clinical convention suggests that foot posture and movements are adversely affected by stroke and cause walking difficulties but there is little objective data to support or refute these beliefs. This study explores static foot posture in... Read More about Foot posture after stroke: frequency, nature and clinical significance..
Daniel Defoe, the Novel, the Canon, and The Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins (2011)
Journal Article
SEAGER, N. (2011). Daniel Defoe, the Novel, the Canon, and The Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins. Eighteenth Century, 8, 31--59
Defoe at 350 (2011)
Journal Article
Seager, N. (2011). Defoe at 350. Eighteenth Century Studies, 45, 142--150.
Towards a generalisation of Noether's theorem to nonclassical Hopf-Galois structures (2011)
Journal Article
Truman. (2011). Towards a generalisation of Noether's theorem to nonclassical Hopf-Galois structuresWe study the nonclassical Hopf-Galois module structure of rings of algebraic integers in some extensions of p-adic fields and number fields which are at most tamely ramified. We show that if L/K is an unramified extension of p-adic fields which is H-... Read More about Towards a generalisation of Noether's theorem to nonclassical Hopf-Galois structures.
Migration, Literature and Hybridity, by S. Pultz Moslund Palgrave, 2010. (2011)
Journal Article
Palladino. (2011). Migration, Literature and Hybridity, by S. Pultz Moslund Palgrave, 2010. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 226-227.
Systematic Literature Review: Teaching Novices Programming Using Robots (2011)
Journal Article
(2011). Systematic Literature Review: Teaching Novices Programming Using Robots. IET Software, 502-513. programming to novices is a difficult task due to the complex nature of the subject, the negative stereotypes are associated with programming and because introductory programming courses often fail to encourage student understanding.
This s... Read More about Systematic Literature Review: Teaching Novices Programming Using Robots.
Cue Competition Affects Temporal Dynamics of Edge-assignment in Human Visual Cortex (2011)
Journal Article
Brooks. (2011). Cue Competition Affects Temporal Dynamics of Edge-assignment in Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 631 - 644. determines the perception of relative depth across an edge and the shape of the closer side. Many cues determine edge-assignment, but relatively little is known about the neural mechanisms involved in combining these cues. Here, we ma... Read More about Cue Competition Affects Temporal Dynamics of Edge-assignment in Human Visual Cortex.
Fe3O4-PEI-RITC Magnetic Nanoparticles with Imaging and Gene Transfer Capability: Development of a Tool for Neural Cell Transplantation Therapies (2011)
Journal Article
Yiu, H. H. P., Pickard, M. R., Olariu, C. I., Williams, S. R., Chari, D. M., & Rosseinsky, M. J. (2012). Fe3O4-PEI-RITC Magnetic Nanoparticles with Imaging and Gene Transfer Capability: Development of a Tool for Neural Cell Transplantation Therapies. Pharmaceutical Research, 29(5), 1328-1343.
To develop Fe3O4-PEI-RITC magnetic nanoparticles with multimodal MRI-fluorescence imaging and transfection capability, for use in neural cell replacement therapies.
The Fe3O4-PEI-RITC MNPs were synthesised through a multi-step ch... Read More about Fe3O4-PEI-RITC Magnetic Nanoparticles with Imaging and Gene Transfer Capability: Development of a Tool for Neural Cell Transplantation Therapies.
Effects of L-Dopa and Dopamine D2 Agonists on Recollection and Familiarity in Idiopathic Nondementing Parkinson’s Disease (2011)
Journal Article
Edelstyn. (2011). Effects of L-Dopa and Dopamine D2 Agonists on Recollection and Familiarity in Idiopathic Nondementing Parkinson’s Disease. Neuroscience and Medicine, 318 -329. nondementing Parkinson’s disease (PD) is marked by progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area. Recent brain imaging work implicates these structures in dopamine modulated netwo... Read More about Effects of L-Dopa and Dopamine D2 Agonists on Recollection and Familiarity in Idiopathic Nondementing Parkinson’s Disease.
High-resolution terrestrial laser scanning and 3D modelling of a mineral deposit for extraction management optimisation (2011)
Journal Article
(2011). High-resolution terrestrial laser scanning and 3D modelling of a mineral deposit for extraction management optimisation. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften ZDGG, 435 - 442. deposits located in complex tectonic settings demand a precise prediction of the raw material capacity with respect to spatial extension, volume and raw material quality. Additionally, the reliable prognosis of the raw material capacity leads... Read More about High-resolution terrestrial laser scanning and 3D modelling of a mineral deposit for extraction management optimisation.
3D modeling of the deep geothermal Potential of Hesse - Input data and Potential expulsion (2011)
Journal Article
(2011). 3D modeling of the deep geothermal Potential of Hesse - Input data and Potential expulsion. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften ZDGG, 371 - 388. the scope of the research project "3D-modelling of the deep geothermal potentials of Hesse" the deep geothermal potential of the Federal State of Hesse was quantified and assessed in a qualitative analysis. The quantification of the heat store... Read More about 3D modeling of the deep geothermal Potential of Hesse - Input data and Potential expulsion.
Development of a comprehensive musculoskeletal model of the shoulder and elbow (2011)
Journal Article
(2011). Development of a comprehensive musculoskeletal model of the shoulder and elbow. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 1425 -1435. Delft Shoulder and Elbow Model (DSEM), a musculoskeletal model of the shoulder and elbow has been extensively developed since its introduction in 1994. Extensions cover both model structures and anatomical data focusing on the addition of an elbo... Read More about Development of a comprehensive musculoskeletal model of the shoulder and elbow.