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P077 Developing a better explanation of osteoarthritis: results from a conjoint analysis of patient preferences (2022)
Journal Article
Shivji, Protheroe, Paskins, Main, C., Jinks, & Nicholls. (2022). P077 Developing a better explanation of osteoarthritis: results from a conjoint analysis of patient preferences. Rheumatology,

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:sec> <jats:title>Background/Aims</jats:title> <jats:p>Despite the negative impact of osteoarthritis (OA) and existence of evidence-based guidelines, many patients and professionals lack clarity about the nature... Read More about P077 Developing a better explanation of osteoarthritis: results from a conjoint analysis of patient preferences.

The effectiveness of self-management interventions in adults with chronic orofacial pain: A Systematic review, Meta-analysis and Meta-regression. (2019)
Journal Article
Main, C. (2019). The effectiveness of self-management interventions in adults with chronic orofacial pain: A Systematic review, Meta-analysis and Meta-regression. European Journal of Pain, 849-865.

Psychosocial risk factors associated with chronic orofacial pain are amenable to self-management. However, current management involves invasive therapies which lack an evidence base and have the potential to cause iatrogenic harm.

O... Read More about The effectiveness of self-management interventions in adults with chronic orofacial pain: A Systematic review, Meta-analysis and Meta-regression..

Effect of Intensive Patient Education vs Placebo Patient Education on Outcomes in Patients With Acute Low Back Pain A Randomized Clinical Trial (2019)
Journal Article
Main, C. (2019). Effect of Intensive Patient Education vs Placebo Patient Education on Outcomes in Patients With Acute Low Back Pain A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurology, 161-169.

Many patients with acute low back pain do not recover with basic first-line care (advice, reassurance, and simple analgesia, if necessary). It is unclear whether intensive patient education improves clinical outcomes for those patients a... Read More about Effect of Intensive Patient Education vs Placebo Patient Education on Outcomes in Patients With Acute Low Back Pain A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Implementation Science and Employer Disability Practices: Embedding Implementation Factors in Research Designs (2016)
Journal Article
Main, C. (2016). Implementation Science and Employer Disability Practices: Embedding Implementation Factors in Research Designs. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 448 - 464.

Purpose For work disability research to have an impact on employer policies and practices it is important for such research to acknowledge and incorporate relevant aspects of the workplace. The goal of this article is to summarize recent theoretical... Read More about Implementation Science and Employer Disability Practices: Embedding Implementation Factors in Research Designs.