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All Outputs (6)

An Exploration of a Mentoring Programme for At-Risk Adolescents in the West Midlands, UK An Exploration of a Mentoring Programme for At-Risk Adolescents in the West Midlands, UK (2024)
Journal Article
Earnshaw, D., & Harrison, N. (2024). An Exploration of a Mentoring Programme for At-Risk Adolescents in the West Midlands, UK An Exploration of a Mentoring Programme for At-Risk Adolescents in the West Midlands, UK. Mentoring and Tutoring,

Extra-curricular activities, such as playing sport and participating in mentoring programmes, have physical and mental health benefits for individuals. For adolescents particularly, nurturing these interests have potential for positive outcomes in ac... Read More about An Exploration of a Mentoring Programme for At-Risk Adolescents in the West Midlands, UK An Exploration of a Mentoring Programme for At-Risk Adolescents in the West Midlands, UK.

An exploration of a mentoring programme for at-risk adolescents in the West Midlands, UK (2024)
Journal Article
Earnshaw, D., & Harrison, N. (2024). An exploration of a mentoring programme for at-risk adolescents in the West Midlands, UK. Mentoring and Tutoring, 32(5), 1-15.

Extra-curricular activities, such as playing sport and participating in mentoring programmes, have physical and mental health benefits for individuals. For adolescents particularly, nurturing these interests has the potential for positive outcomes in... Read More about An exploration of a mentoring programme for at-risk adolescents in the West Midlands, UK.

The role of sibling aggression during childhood in decision-making during adulthood (2023)
Journal Article
Bedwell, S. A., Harrison, N., Fradley, S., & Brooks, M. (2024). The role of sibling aggression during childhood in decision-making during adulthood. Current Psychology, 43(3), 2264-2276.

Research shows sibling relationships can influence cognitive development, specifically in terms of high-order processes involved in social functioning. These high-order processes take place in the human prefrontal cortex. While prefrontal connectivit... Read More about The role of sibling aggression during childhood in decision-making during adulthood.

Taser use on individuals experiencing mental distress: An integrative literature review (2020)
Journal Article
Hallett, N., Duxbury, J., McKee, T., Harrison, N., Haines, A., Craig, E., & O'Brien, A. J. (2020). Taser use on individuals experiencing mental distress: An integrative literature review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 56-71.

Accessible summary
What is known about the subject?
People experiencing mental distress have a high rate of contact with police in community crisis events.
Police use a continuum of responses when managing situations involving agitation, aggressio... Read More about Taser use on individuals experiencing mental distress: An integrative literature review.

Does short-term memory develop? (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, G., Justice, L. V., Cabiddu, F., Lee, B. J., Iao, L.-S., Harrison, N., & Macken, B. (2020). Does short-term memory develop?. Cognition, 198,

Such is the consistency by which performance on measures of short-term memory (STM) increase with age that developmental increases in STM capacity are largely accepted as fact. However, our analysis of a robust but almost ignored finding - that span... Read More about Does short-term memory develop?.