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Predictors of outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a Delphi consensus study. (2024)
Journal Article
Stynes, S., Foster, N., O'Dowd, J., Ostelo, R., & Konstantinou, K. (in press). Predictors of outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a Delphi consensus study. European Spine Journal,

Trial data shows modest reductions in leg pain, disability and surgery avoidance following epidural steroid injections (ESI) for severe sciatica. Despite their common use, there is no clear evidence about which patients are more likely to benefit fro... Read More about Predictors of outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a Delphi consensus study..

Predictors of outcome in sciatica patients following an epidural steroid injection: the POiSE prospective observational cohort study protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Stynes, S., Snell, K. I., Riley, R. D., Konstantinou, K., Cherrington, A., Daud, N., …Foster, N. E. (2023). Predictors of outcome in sciatica patients following an epidural steroid injection: the POiSE prospective observational cohort study protocol. BMJ Open, 13(11), Article e077776.

Sciatica can be very painful and, in most cases, is due to pressure on a spinal nerve root from a disc herniation with associated inflammation. For some patients, the pain persists, and one management option is a spinal epidural steroi... Read More about Predictors of outcome in sciatica patients following an epidural steroid injection: the POiSE prospective observational cohort study protocol.

Development and External Validation of Individualized Prediction Models for Pain Intensity Outcomes in Patients With Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, or Both in Primary Care Settings (2023)
Journal Article
Archer, L., Snell, K. I. E., Stynes, S., Axén, I., Dunn, K. M., Foster, N. E., …Hill, J. C. (in press). Development and External Validation of Individualized Prediction Models for Pain Intensity Outcomes in Patients With Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, or Both in Primary Care Settings. Physical Therapy, 103(11), Article pzad128.

The purpose of this study was to develop and externally validate multivariable prediction models for future pain intensity outcomes to inform targeted interventions for patients with neck or low back pain in primary care settings.

Metho... Read More about Development and External Validation of Individualized Prediction Models for Pain Intensity Outcomes in Patients With Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, or Both in Primary Care Settings.

Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. (2023)
Journal Article
Nagington, A., Foster, N., Snell, K., Konstantinou, K., & Stynes, S. (2023). Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. European Spine Journal,

PURPOSE: Clinical guidelines recommend epidural steroid injection (ESI) as a treatment option for severe disc-related sciatica, but there is considerable uncertainty about its effectiveness. Currently, we know very little about factors that might be... Read More about Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis..

Patient satisfaction with the first contact physiotherapy service: Results from the national evaluation survey (2021)
Journal Article
Stynes, Wood, L., Bishop, A., & Goodwin, R. (2022). Patient satisfaction with the first contact physiotherapy service: Results from the national evaluation survey. Musculoskeletal Care, 20(2), 363-370.

BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal (MSK) First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) are diagnostic clinicians able to assess and manage undifferentiated and undiagnosed MSK presentations. The FCP role in primary care has been introduced to allow patients with MS... Read More about Patient satisfaction with the first contact physiotherapy service: Results from the national evaluation survey.

Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: a qualitative insight (2021)
Journal Article
Stynes. (2021). Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: a qualitative insight. Physiotherapy,

First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) is a primary care model where expert musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapists undertake the first patient consultation, to enhance MSK-patient care and free-up GP capacity. The authors report the qualitative... Read More about Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: a qualitative insight.

Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: Patient characteristics and outcomes (2021)
Journal Article
Stynes, S., Jordan, K., Hill, J., Wynne-Jones, G., Cottrell, E., Foster, N., …Bishop, A. (2021). Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: Patient characteristics and outcomes. Physiotherapy, 113, 199-208.

Objective First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) is a primary care model where expert musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapists undertake the first patient consultation, to enhance MSK-patient care and free-up GP capacity. The authors report the quantitative... Read More about Evaluation of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) model of primary care: Patient characteristics and outcomes.

First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. (2021)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Foster, N. E., Hill, J. C., Sowden, G., Evans, N., Bishop, A., …Wynne-Jones, G. (2022). First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 32, 147–155.

Purpose Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is a common cause of work absence. The recent SWAP (Study of Work And Pain) randomised controlled trial (RCT) found that a brief vocational advice service for primary care patients with MSK pain led to fewer days' w... Read More about First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative..

Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review (2021)
Journal Article
Mansell, G., Corp, N., Wynne-Jones, G., Hill, J., Stynes, S., & van der Windt, D. (2021). Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review. European Journal of Pain, 25(8), 1627-1643.

Numerous systematic reviews have attempted to synthesise evidence on prognostic factors for predicting future outcomes such as pain, disability and return-to-work/work absence in neck and low back pain populations. An umbrella review of systematic re... Read More about Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review.

Self‐efficacy as a prognostic factor and treatment moderator in chronic musculoskeletal pain patients attending pain management programmes: A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Hayward, R., & Stynes, S. (2021). Self‐efficacy as a prognostic factor and treatment moderator in chronic musculoskeletal pain patients attending pain management programmes: A systematic review. Musculoskeletal Care, 19(3), 278-292.

Evidence on the effectiveness of pain management programmes (PMPs) for chronic pain patients is mixed. Self-efficacy may be associated with outcome of PMPs. The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the role of self-efficacy as a (i) progno... Read More about Self‐efficacy as a prognostic factor and treatment moderator in chronic musculoskeletal pain patients attending pain management programmes: A systematic review.

Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. (2020)
Journal Article
Corp, N., Mansell, G., Stynes, S., Wynne-Jones, G., Morsø, L., Hill, J., & Van Der Windt, D. (2021). Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. European Journal of Pain, 25(2),

Background and objective: This systematic review synthesised evidence from European neck and low back pain (NLBP) clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to identify recommended treatment options for use across Europe. Databases and Data Treatment: Compr... Read More about Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines..

Musculoskeletal pain phenotyping: Our end point should be clinical feasibility - A commentary to Meisingset et al. "Novel approach towards musculoskeletal phenotypes" (2020)
Journal Article
Stynes, S. (2020). Musculoskeletal pain phenotyping: Our end point should be clinical feasibility - A commentary to Meisingset et al. "Novel approach towards musculoskeletal phenotypes". European Journal of Pain, 24(6), 1005-1006.

This journal recently published a paper by Meisingset et al., entitled "Novel approach towards musculoskeletal phenotypes.”

The study's aim was to identify and validate phenotypes of patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) pain based on 11 common prog... Read More about Musculoskeletal pain phenotyping: Our end point should be clinical feasibility - A commentary to Meisingset et al. "Novel approach towards musculoskeletal phenotypes".

New insight to the characteristics and clinical course of clusters of patients with imaging confirmed disc-related sciatica. (2019)
Journal Article
Stynes. (2019). New insight to the characteristics and clinical course of clusters of patients with imaging confirmed disc-related sciatica. European Journal of Pain,

BACKGROUND: Referral to secondary care is common for a considerable proportion of patients with persistent sciatica symptoms. It is unclear if information from clinical assessment can further identify distinct subgroups of disc-related sciatica, with... Read More about New insight to the characteristics and clinical course of clusters of patients with imaging confirmed disc-related sciatica..

252 The prevalence of axial involvement in psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Sze, J. T., Packham, J. C., Konstantinou, K., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., & Stynes, S. (2019). 252 The prevalence of axial involvement in psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Rheumatology, 58(Supplement_3),

Background: A significant proportion of patients with psoriasis (PsO) or psoriatic arthritis (PsA) have axial involvement which is associated with more severe peripheral arthritis in PsA. Historically, methods for recognition of axial involvement in... Read More about 252 The prevalence of axial involvement in psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Determining one-year trajectories of low back related leg pain in primary care patients: growth mixture modelling of a prospective cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Dunn, & Stynes. (2018). Determining one-year trajectories of low back related leg pain in primary care patients: growth mixture modelling of a prospective cohort study. Arthritis Care and Research, 1840-1848.

The clinical presentation and outcome of patients with back and leg pain in primary care are heterogeneous and may be better understood by identification of homogeneous and clinically meaningful subgroups. Subgroups of patients with differ... Read More about Determining one-year trajectories of low back related leg pain in primary care patients: growth mixture modelling of a prospective cohort study.

Factors associated with physiotherapists' preference for MRI in primary care patients with low back and leg pain (2018)
Journal Article
Ely, S., Stynes, S., Ogollah, R., Foster, N. E., & Konstantinou, K. (2018). Factors associated with physiotherapists' preference for MRI in primary care patients with low back and leg pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 38, 46-52.

Criticisms about overuse of MRI in low back pain are well documented. Yet, with the exception of suspicion of serious pathology, little is known about factors that influence clinicians' preference for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at f... Read More about Factors associated with physiotherapists' preference for MRI in primary care patients with low back and leg pain.

Clinical diagnostic model for sciatica developed in primary care patients with low back-related leg pain (2018)
Journal Article
Stynes, S., Konstantinou, K., Ogollah, R., Hay, E., & Dunn, K. (2018). Clinical diagnostic model for sciatica developed in primary care patients with low back-related leg pain. PloS one, 1 -14.

Background Identification of sciatica may assist timely management but can be challenging in clinical practice. Diagnostic models to identify sciatica have mainly been developed in secondary care settings with conflicting reference standard selection... Read More about Clinical diagnostic model for sciatica developed in primary care patients with low back-related leg pain.