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All Outputs (4)

New approaches to diagnosing exact recurrent flows embedded in two-dimensional turbulence (2024)
Redfern, E. M. (2024). New approaches to diagnosing exact recurrent flows embedded in two-dimensional turbulence. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Turbulent flow is often viewed as a trajectory wandering through a high dimensional phase-space, momentarily visiting the neighbourhood of unstable invariant solutions, e.g. unstable periodic orbits, travelling waves and equilibria. Periodic orbit th... Read More about New approaches to diagnosing exact recurrent flows embedded in two-dimensional turbulence.

Collapses of linearly decaying three-dimensional perturbations in homogeneous and weakly stratified boundary layers (2020)
Oloo, J. O. (2020). Collapses of linearly decaying three-dimensional perturbations in homogeneous and weakly stratified boundary layers. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The physical mechanisms of why an orderly laminar flow suddenly becomes turbulent are still poorly understood, despite more than a century of incessant efforts. The thesis puts forward a radically new approach to understanding of the fundamental chal... Read More about Collapses of linearly decaying three-dimensional perturbations in homogeneous and weakly stratified boundary layers.

Ekman currents caused by variable wind in models of upper ocean with depth and time dependent eddy viscosity (2018)
Almelah, R. B. (2018). Ekman currents caused by variable wind in models of upper ocean with depth and time dependent eddy viscosity. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The work examines response of the upper ocean to time-varying winds. In the Ekman paradigm the effect of wind is considered as time-varying horizontally uniform tangential wind stress applied to the ocean surface and the turbulent diffusion of moment... Read More about Ekman currents caused by variable wind in models of upper ocean with depth and time dependent eddy viscosity.