La Commission, c’est moi? The invisible hand of Article 17(6) TEU in the presidentialisation of the European Commission
Digital Artefact
Cotter, J. (in press). La Commission, c’est moi? The invisible hand of Article 17(6) TEU in the presidentialisation of the European Commission. [Blog style article]
John Cotter's Outputs (3)
The President of the European Commission and the Power to Request a Commissioner's Resignation (2024)
Journal Article
Cotter, J., & Butler, G. (2024). The President of the European Commission and the Power to Request a Commissioner's Resignation. Common Market Law Review, 61(3), 593 – 622. 17(6) TEU provides that a Commissioner "shall resign if the [Commission] President so requests". This terminology appears absolute and suggests that the President's power to (essentially) dismiss a Commissioner summarily is one related to con... Read More about The President of the European Commission and the Power to Request a Commissioner's Resignation.
Impeachment: contention, neglect, and ways forward (2024)
Journal Article
Cotter, J. (in press). Impeachment: contention, neglect, and ways forward. International Journal of Constitutional Law,