How can we improve support for women with perinatal anxiety in primary care? A qualitative study.
Presentation / Conference
Silverwood, V., Fisher, T., Proctor, J., Kingstone, T., Turner, K., Shivji, N., & Chew-Graham, C. (2024, March). How can we improve support for women with perinatal anxiety in primary care? A qualitative study. Presented at BJGP Research and Publishing Conference, RCGP Headquarters, London
Perinatal anxiety (PNA) occurs during pregnancy and up to 12 months post-partum. PNA affects more than 21% of women and can impact adversely on mothers, children and their families. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance id... Read More about How can we improve support for women with perinatal anxiety in primary care? A qualitative study..