Unmet needs for healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods: results from the UPWEB study
Conference Proceeding
T, B., F, S., M, K., H, B., B, P., Simon, P., …H, Z. (2018). Unmet needs for healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods: results from the UPWEB study.
Professor Simon Pemberton's Outputs (4)
Transnational healthcare usage in superdiverse neighbourhoods: survey results from European countries (2018)
Conference Proceeding
H, Z., J, P., M, K., B, P., H, B., Simon, P., & T, B. (2018). Transnational healthcare usage in superdiverse neighbourhoods: survey results from European countries.
New representations of rural space: Eastern European migrants and the denial of poverty and deprivation in the English countryside (2018)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Mackrell, P. (2018). New representations of rural space: Eastern European migrants and the denial of poverty and deprivation in the English countryside. Journal of Rural Studies, 49-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.01.009To date, there has been relatively little focus on Eastern European 'accession' (EU8) migrants' representations of the rural in Western Europe. Through drawing on research conducted in England, this paper highlights how the materiality of the English... Read More about New representations of rural space: Eastern European migrants and the denial of poverty and deprivation in the English countryside.
Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: moving beyond ethno-national approaches (2018)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., & Phillimore, J. (2018). Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: moving beyond ethno-national approaches. Urban Studies, 733-750. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098016656988Whilst attention has previously focused on the importance of monolithic ethnic identities on migrant place-making, less attention has been paid to how place-making proceeds in super-diverse urban neighbourhoods where no single ethnic group predominat... Read More about Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: moving beyond ethno-national approaches.