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Alastair Channon's Outputs (3)

Unbounded Evolutionary Dynamics in a System of Agents that Actively Process and Transform Their Environment (2006)
Journal Article
Channon. (2006). Unbounded Evolutionary Dynamics in a System of Agents that Actively Process and Transform Their Environment. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 253 - 281.

Bedau et al.'s statistical classification system for long-term evolutionary dynamics provides a test for open-ended evolution. Making this test more rigorous, and passing it, are two of the most important open problems for research into systems of ag... Read More about Unbounded Evolutionary Dynamics in a System of Agents that Actively Process and Transform Their Environment.

The N-strikes-out algorithm: A steady-state algorithm for coevolution (2006)
Journal Article
Channon. (2006). The N-strikes-out algorithm: A steady-state algorithm for coevolution

We introduce the N-strikes-out algorithm, a simple steady-state genetic algorithm for competitive coevolution. The algorithm can be summarised as follows: Run competitions between randomly chosen individuals, keep track of the number of defeats for e... Read More about The N-strikes-out algorithm: A steady-state algorithm for coevolution.

Analysing co-evolution among artificial 3D creatures (2006)
Book Chapter
Channon. (2006). Analysing co-evolution among artificial 3D creatures. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (167 -178)

This paper is concerned with the analysis of coevolutionary dynamics among 3D artificial creatures, similar to those introduced by Sims (1). Coevolution is subject to complex dynamics which are notoriously difficult to analyse. We introduce an improv... Read More about Analysing co-evolution among artificial 3D creatures.