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Paclitaxel is effective for controlling astrocyte proliferation in vitro: Implications for generating ventral mesencephalic cultures enriched with dopamine neurons. (2020)
Journal Article
Gómez-Gálvez, Y., & Gates, M. (2020). Paclitaxel is effective for controlling astrocyte proliferation in vitro: Implications for generating ventral mesencephalic cultures enriched with dopamine neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 109065 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Primary embryonic ventral mesencephalic (VM) cultures are a high throughput tool for understanding and manipulating dopamine neurons, to study the mechanisms that trigger their degeneration during Parkinson's disease (PD), and to test new... Read More about Paclitaxel is effective for controlling astrocyte proliferation in vitro: Implications for generating ventral mesencephalic cultures enriched with dopamine neurons..

Parallelized Manipulation of Adherent Living Cells by Magnetic Nanoparticles-Mediated Forces (2020)
Journal Article
Coppey, M., Piehler, J., Gates, M., Neumann, S., Telling, N., Heumann, R., …Raudzus, F. (2020). Parallelized Manipulation of Adherent Living Cells by Magnetic Nanoparticles-Mediated Forces. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(18),

The remote actuation of cellular processes such as migration or neuronal outgrowth is a challenge for future therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine. Among the different methods that have been proposed, the use of magnetic nanoparticles app... Read More about Parallelized Manipulation of Adherent Living Cells by Magnetic Nanoparticles-Mediated Forces.

Quantitative proteomic profiling of the rat substantia nigra places glial fibrillary acidic protein at the hub of proteins dysregulated during aging: Implications for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (2020)
Journal Article
Gómez-Gálvez, Y., Fuller, H., Synowsky, S., Shirran, L., & Gates, M. (2020). Quantitative proteomic profiling of the rat substantia nigra places glial fibrillary acidic protein at the hub of proteins dysregulated during aging: Implications for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 1417-1432.

There is a strong correlation between aging and onset of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, but little is known about whether cellular changes occur during normal aging that may explain this association. Here, proteomic and bioinformatic analysis was co... Read More about Quantitative proteomic profiling of the rat substantia nigra places glial fibrillary acidic protein at the hub of proteins dysregulated during aging: Implications for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.