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Yibin Fu's Outputs (54)

Effect of double-fibre reinforcement on localized bulging of an inflated cylindrical tube of arbitrary thickness (2017)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., & Wang, J. (2017). Effect of double-fibre reinforcement on localized bulging of an inflated cylindrical tube of arbitrary thickness. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 21-30.

We consider localized bulging of an inflated cylindrical hyperelastic tube of arbitrary thickness that is helically reinforced by two families of fibres. It is shown that localized bulging may become impossible, irrespective of the end conditions, wh... Read More about Effect of double-fibre reinforcement on localized bulging of an inflated cylindrical tube of arbitrary thickness.

Edge wrinkling in elastically supported pre-stressed incompressible isotropic plates (2016)
Journal Article
Destrade, M., Fu, Y., & Nobili, A. (2016). Edge wrinkling in elastically supported pre-stressed incompressible isotropic plates. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 20160410 -?.

The equations governing the appearance of flexural static perturbations at the edge of a semi-infinite thin elastic isotropic plate, subjected to a state of homogeneous bi-axial pre-stress, are derived and solved. The plate is incompressible and supp... Read More about Edge wrinkling in elastically supported pre-stressed incompressible isotropic plates.

Localized bulging in an inflated cylindrical tube of arbitrary thickness - the effect of bending stiffness (2016)
Journal Article
Francisco, G., Liu, J., & Fu, Y. (2016). Localized bulging in an inflated cylindrical tube of arbitrary thickness - the effect of bending stiffness. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 45-60.

We study localized bulging of a cylindrical hyperelastic tube of arbitrary thickness when it is subjected to the combined action of inflation and axial extension. It is shown that with the internal pressure P and resultant axial force F viewed as fun... Read More about Localized bulging in an inflated cylindrical tube of arbitrary thickness - the effect of bending stiffness.

Shape bifurcation of a pressurized ellipsoidal balloon (2016)
Journal Article
Geng, Y., Huang, J., & Fu, Y. (2016). Shape bifurcation of a pressurized ellipsoidal balloon. International Journal of Engineering Science, 115-125.

It is well-known that for most spherical and cylindrical rubber balloons the pressure versus volume curve associated with uniform inflation both has an N-shape, but their shape bifurcation has different characters: whereas a spherical balloon tends t... Read More about Shape bifurcation of a pressurized ellipsoidal balloon.

An asymptotic analysis of the period-doubling secondary bifurcation in a film/substrate bilayer (2015)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., & Cai, Z. (2015). An asymptotic analysis of the period-doubling secondary bifurcation in a film/substrate bilayer. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2381-2395.

It has previously been observed experimentally and simulated numerically that when a thin film bonded to a much softer substrate is subjected to a uni-axial compression parallel to the interface, the initial buckled pattern will suffer a secondary bi... Read More about An asymptotic analysis of the period-doubling secondary bifurcation in a film/substrate bilayer.

Localized standing waves in a hyperelastic membrane tube and their stabilization by a mean flow (2015)
Journal Article
Fu, Y. B., & Il'ichev, A. T. (2015). Localized standing waves in a hyperelastic membrane tube and their stabilization by a mean flow. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 20(10), 1198-1214.

We first give a complete analysis of the dispersion relation for travelling waves propagating in a pre-stressed hyperelastic membrane tube containing a uniform flow. We present an exact formula for the so-called pulse wave velocity, and demonstrate t... Read More about Localized standing waves in a hyperelastic membrane tube and their stabilization by a mean flow.

Bifurcation of a dielectric elastomer balloon under pressurized inflation and electricactuation (2015)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., Xie, Y., & Liu, J. (2015). Bifurcation of a dielectric elastomer balloon under pressurized inflation and electricactuation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 182-188.

It is previously known that under inflation alone a spherical rubber membrane balloon may bifurcate into a pear shape when the tension in the membrane reaches a maximum, but the existence of such a maximum depends on the material model used: the maxi... Read More about Bifurcation of a dielectric elastomer balloon under pressurized inflation and electricactuation.

Buckling of a coated elastic half-space when the coating and substrate have similar material properties (2015)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., & Ciarletta, P. (2015). Buckling of a coated elastic half-space when the coating and substrate have similar material properties. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,

This study investigates the buckling of a uni-axially compressed neo-Hookean thin film bonded to a neo-Hookean substrate. Previous studies have shown that the elastic bifurcation is supercritical if r=µf/µs>1.74 and subcritical if r<1.74, where µf an... Read More about Buckling of a coated elastic half-space when the coating and substrate have similar material properties.

A semi-analytical approach to Biot instability in a growing layer: Strain gradient correction, weakly non-linear analysis and imperfection sensitivity (2015)
Journal Article
Fu. (2015). A semi-analytical approach to Biot instability in a growing layer: Strain gradient correction, weakly non-linear analysis and imperfection sensitivity. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 38 - 45.

Many experimental works have recently investigated the dynamics of crease formation during the swelling of long soft slabs attached to a rigid substrate. Mechanically, the spatially constrained growth provokes a residual strain distribution inside th... Read More about A semi-analytical approach to Biot instability in a growing layer: Strain gradient correction, weakly non-linear analysis and imperfection sensitivity.

Stability of pear-shaped configurations bifurcated from a pressurized spherical balloon (2014)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., & Xie, Y. (2014). Stability of pear-shaped configurations bifurcated from a pressurized spherical balloon. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 33 - 44.

It is well-known that for most spherical rubber balloons the pressure versus volume curve associated with uniform inflation is N-shaped (the pressure increases rapidly to a maximum, falls to a minimum, and subsequently increases monotonically), and t... Read More about Stability of pear-shaped configurations bifurcated from a pressurized spherical balloon.

Stability of an inflated hyperelastic membrane tube with localized wall thinning (2014)
Journal Article
Il'ichev, A., & Fu, Y. (2014). Stability of an inflated hyperelastic membrane tube with localized wall thinning. International Journal of Engineering Science, 53 - 61.

It is now well-known that when an infinitely long hyperelastic membrane tube free from any imperfections is inflated, a transcritical-type bifurcation may take place that corresponds to the sudden formation of a localized bulge. When the membrane tub... Read More about Stability of an inflated hyperelastic membrane tube with localized wall thinning.