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Outputs (7)

Strangers in our midst: Immigration, social capital and segmented conflict (2022)
Journal Article
Griffiths. (2022). Strangers in our midst: Immigration, social capital and segmented conflict. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 22(4), 559-580.

Putnam famously stated in his ‘hunkering down’ thesis that residents of diverse communities experiencing immigration retreat into their homes inhibiting the production of ‘social capital’. Immigration is therefore often posited to disrupt communities... Read More about Strangers in our midst: Immigration, social capital and segmented conflict.

Continued and intensified hostility: The problematisation of immigration in the UK government’s 2021 New Plan for Immigration (2022)
Journal Article
GRIFFITHS, C., & TREBILCOCK, J. (2022). Continued and intensified hostility: The problematisation of immigration in the UK government’s 2021 New Plan for Immigration. Critical Social Policy, 43(3), 401-422.

Drawing on Bacchi’s (2009) ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ framework, this article provides a critical analysis of HM Government’s (2021a) New Plan for Immigration. We explore how immigration is problematised, the assumptions that underlie th... Read More about Continued and intensified hostility: The problematisation of immigration in the UK government’s 2021 New Plan for Immigration.

Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry (2021)
Journal Article
Griffiths, C., & Trebilcock, J. (2021). Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 22(3),

The number of students studying criminology at university has significantly increased. Yet, criminology students have been all but ignored in research, despite being key stakeholders and ambassadors in the criminological enterprise. Drawing on the an... Read More about Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry.

The disjuncture between confidence and cooperation: Police contact amongst Polish migrants and established residents (2017)
Journal Article
Griffiths, C. (2018). The disjuncture between confidence and cooperation: Police contact amongst Polish migrants and established residents. European Journal of Criminology, 15(2), 197-216.

Trust and confidence in such criminal justice institutions as the police is considered crucial for the successful functioning of society and to allow for greater voluntary compliance and cooperation with institutions of control. There is a plethora o... Read More about The disjuncture between confidence and cooperation: Police contact amongst Polish migrants and established residents.

Group Conflict and ‘Confined’ and ‘Collaborative’ Collective Efficacy: The Importance of a Normative Core between Immigrants and Natives in an English Town (2014)
Journal Article
Griffiths. (2014). Group Conflict and ‘Confined’ and ‘Collaborative’ Collective Efficacy: The Importance of a Normative Core between Immigrants and Natives in an English Town

It has long been contended by both the ‘old’ and ‘new’ Chicago School that immigration fractures effective community controls, resulting in increased crime, conflict and social disorder. Building on the Chicago School approach, this article provides... Read More about Group Conflict and ‘Confined’ and ‘Collaborative’ Collective Efficacy: The Importance of a Normative Core between Immigrants and Natives in an English Town.

Researching ‘Hidden Populations’: Reflections of a Quantitative Researcher in Understanding ‘Established’ and ‘Immigrant’ Groups’ Perceptions of Crime and Social (Dis)Order (2014)
Book Chapter
Griffiths, C. E. (2014). Researching ‘Hidden Populations’: Reflections of a Quantitative Researcher in Understanding ‘Established’ and ‘Immigrant’ Groups’ Perceptions of Crime and Social (Dis)Order. In Reflexivity in Criminological Research (178-191). Palgrave Macmillan.

Re flexivity is often considered a ‘vital counterpoint… to the positivist, quan- titative agenda’ Qewkes 2012, 69). The aim of this chapter however is to provide a critical and reflexive account of a quantitative research project, that used supplemen... Read More about Researching ‘Hidden Populations’: Reflections of a Quantitative Researcher in Understanding ‘Established’ and ‘Immigrant’ Groups’ Perceptions of Crime and Social (Dis)Order.

Living with ‘Aliens’: Contrasting Public Perceptions and Experiences of Immigration at a ‘National’ and ‘Local’ Level (2013)
Journal Article
Griffiths. (2013). Living with ‘Aliens’: Contrasting Public Perceptions and Experiences of Immigration at a ‘National’ and ‘Local’ Level. Criminal Justice Matters, 93(1), 26-27.

According to a recent article entitled Immigration is British society's biggest problem (Boffey, 2013) nearly a third of the British public who took part in a survey perceive immigration to be one of the greatest causes of social division. Segregatio... Read More about Living with ‘Aliens’: Contrasting Public Perceptions and Experiences of Immigration at a ‘National’ and ‘Local’ Level.