Heartlands: Earth & Bones
Digital Artefact
Morgan, C., Reynolds, C., Rogerson, P., Teale, D., James-Teale, S., & Browne-Hope, P. (2024). Heartlands: Earth & Bones. [Film]
"It wasn't always like this": Displacement and the Poetics of Gentrification in Ross (2024)
Journal Article
Bentley, N. (in press). "It wasn't always like this": Displacement and the Poetics of Gentrification in Ross. English Studies,This article examines narratives of gentrification with respect to post-industrial landscapes in the context of contemporary Britain. As Tom Slater (2009) has argued, underneath the rhetoric of regeneration and renewal, gentrification often involves... Read More about "It wasn't always like this": Displacement and the Poetics of Gentrification in Ross.
The Neo-mythological Novel: Re-writing the Epic in Contemporary British Fiction (2024)
Book Chapter
Bentley, N. (2024). The Neo-mythological Novel: Re-writing the Epic in Contemporary British Fiction. In The 2010s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction (263-290). London and New York: Bloomsbury PublishingThis volume relates the British fiction of the decade to the contexts in which it was written and received in order to examine and explain contemporary trends, such as the rise of a new working-class fiction, the ongoing development of separate natio... Read More about The Neo-mythological Novel: Re-writing the Epic in Contemporary British Fiction.
Word wound (2023)
Morgan, C. (2023). Word wound. [Print]Prose-poem
Boulevard Saint-Laurent (2023)
Morgan, C. (2023). Boulevard Saint-Laurent. [Print]Prose-poem
The 2010s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction (Ed. by N. Bentley) (2023)
Bentley, N., Hubble, N., Horton, E., & Tew, P. (2024). N. Bentley, N. Hubble, P. Tew, E. Horton, E. Horton (co-editor), N. Hubble (co-editor), & P. Tew (co-editor) (Eds.). The 2010s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction (Ed. by N. Bentley). Bloomsbury Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350268241