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Does PR promote political extremism? Evidence from the West European parties of the extreme right1 (2004)
Journal Article
Carter, E. (2004). Does PR promote political extremism? Evidence from the West European parties of the extreme right1. Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy, 40(2), 82-100.

Focusing on the West European parties of the extreme right, this article considers the validity of the claim that proportional electoral systems promote political extremism. After a systematic, empirical examination of the relationship between electo... Read More about Does PR promote political extremism? Evidence from the West European parties of the extreme right1.

Covert repertoires: ecotage in the UK (2004)
Journal Article
Doherty. (2004). Covert repertoires: ecotage in the UK. Social Movement Studies, 199 - 220.

Ecological sabotage (ecotage) has been a feature of the more radical parts of the environmental movement in the Western world for several decades. While it may be perceived as being the preserve of underground cells of 'eco-terrorists', in the UK tho... Read More about Covert repertoires: ecotage in the UK.