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Outputs (49)

National Interest and the Falklands War (2014)
Book Chapter
Parr, H. (2014). National Interest and the Falklands War. In British Foreign Policy and the National Interest (66-82). Palgrave Macmillan.

Was Britain’s decision to use military action in the 1982 Falklands/Malvinas War guided by concerns for Britain’s ‘national interest’? This chapter seeks to answer this question by surveying the events of the crisis and exploring the reasons British... Read More about National Interest and the Falklands War.

What is a Cohesive Community Anyway? The Role of Mainstream Media in Narratives of (Dis)Integration (2014)
Journal Article
Holohan, S. (2014). What is a Cohesive Community Anyway? The Role of Mainstream Media in Narratives of (Dis)Integration. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 27 - 45.

The perceived failure of minority communities to integrate into mainstream culture and society has been of such concern in recent years that there have been a series of political endeavors to shore up notions of citizenship, inclusion, and (national)... Read More about What is a Cohesive Community Anyway? The Role of Mainstream Media in Narratives of (Dis)Integration.

India through re-Orientalist Lenses (2014)
Journal Article
Lau, & Mendes, A. (2014). India through re-Orientalist Lenses. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 706-727.

Re-Orientalism, initially defined as the perpetration of Orientalism by ‘Orientals’ (Lau 2009), is a discourse which comes out of and is inescapably informed by postcolonial and diasporic legacies. The investigation of re-Orientalism has revealed new... Read More about India through re-Orientalist Lenses.

Existentialist Freedom, Distorted Normativity and Emancipation (2014)
Journal Article
Baiasu, S. Existentialist Freedom, Distorted Normativity and Emancipation. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 5(3), 874 -894

Usually associated with a view of freedom as absolute, Sartre’s philosophy seems particularly able to account for the indeterminacy that we experience today in most areas of human experience that have a normative dimension. Without denying that this... Read More about Existentialist Freedom, Distorted Normativity and Emancipation.

A transnational bicultural place model of cultural selves and psychological citizenship: the case of Chinese immigrants in Britain (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). A transnational bicultural place model of cultural selves and psychological citizenship: the case of Chinese immigrants in Britain. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 440 - 450.

The transnational bicultural place of Hong Kong (HK) Chinese immigrants in United Kingdom (UK) comprises bicultural social networks of UK British and UK Chinese connected transnationally by a third network of home compatriots (HK Chinese). Through de... Read More about A transnational bicultural place model of cultural selves and psychological citizenship: the case of Chinese immigrants in Britain.

Being a historian: an introduction to the professional world of history and History in the making (2014)
Journal Article
Howlett, J. (2015). Being a historian: an introduction to the professional world of history and History in the making. History of Education, 44(2), 251-255.

As historians of education it ultimately befits us, more so perhaps than those working in cognate historical fields, to consider the purpose of our scholarship. The interchanges at the turn of the century between Gary McCulloch and William Richardson... Read More about Being a historian: an introduction to the professional world of history and History in the making.

The Trajectory of Penal Markets in a Period of Austerity: The Case of England and Wales (2014)
Book Chapter
Corcoran, M. S. (2014). The Trajectory of Penal Markets in a Period of Austerity: The Case of England and Wales. In Punishment and Incarceration: A Global Perspective: Volume 19 (53-74). Emerald.

This paper reviews the economic turn in criminology to contextualise
the prominence of market rationalities in penal privatisation and outsourcing in England and Wales. It illuminates how fiscal crisis and austerity have provided opportunities for t... Read More about The Trajectory of Penal Markets in a Period of Austerity: The Case of England and Wales.