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Outputs (124)

‘Diaspora at Home’: Class and Politics in the Navigation of Hong Kong Students in Mainland China’s Universities (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). ‘Diaspora at Home’: Class and Politics in the Navigation of Hong Kong Students in Mainland China’s Universities. International Studies in Sociology of Education,

This paper draws on ‘diaspora at home’, a concept that encapsulates the unique dynamics between Hong Kong and mainland China, as an analytical tool to explore the cross-border experiences of 23 Hong Kong students at 11 universities in mainland China.... Read More about ‘Diaspora at Home’: Class and Politics in the Navigation of Hong Kong Students in Mainland China’s Universities.

Everyday justice at the courthouse? Governing lay participation in Argentina's criminal trials (2019)
Book Chapter
Amietta. (2019). Everyday justice at the courthouse? Governing lay participation in Argentina's criminal trials. In Everyday Justice Law, Ethnography, Injustice (161 - 181).

Lay participation in state judicial procedures has been championed, in Argentina and elsewhere, as embodying new ways of making justice – imbued with the experiences and sentiments of ordinary people and carrying into courthouses the quotidien’s roma... Read More about Everyday justice at the courthouse? Governing lay participation in Argentina's criminal trials.

Revisiting ‘Eating Out’: Understanding 20 years of change in the practice in three English cities (2019)
Book Chapter
Martens. (2019). Revisiting ‘Eating Out’: Understanding 20 years of change in the practice in three English cities. In What is Food?: Researching a topic with many meanings (11-30)

In 2015 and 2016, we took what is a rare opportunity in the social sciences to re-visit the study ‘Eating Out’, which was first conducted in 1995 (Warde and Martens, 2000). This study explored from the point of view of diners the increasingly popular... Read More about Revisiting ‘Eating Out’: Understanding 20 years of change in the practice in three English cities.

A democratic bearing: Admirable citizens, uneven injustice, and critical theory: Stephen K. White Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, xxiv+217pp., ISBN: 978-1-107-16847-3 (2019)
Journal Article
Hammond, M. (2021). A democratic bearing: Admirable citizens, uneven injustice, and critical theory: Stephen K. White Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, xxiv+217pp., ISBN: 978-1-107-16847-3. Contemporary Political Theory, 20(S2), 67-70.

Critical theory is needed in the world today. As populists gain support across Western societies, and the disenchanted turn against scapegoated ‘others’ to voice their frustration, the future of democracy is at stake. Stephen K. White gives us a powe... Read More about A democratic bearing: Admirable citizens, uneven injustice, and critical theory: Stephen K. White Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, xxiv+217pp., ISBN: 978-1-107-16847-3.

Being a Gerontologist: intersections between the professional and the personal in the Ageing of British Gerontology project (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Being a Gerontologist: intersections between the professional and the personal in the Ageing of British Gerontology project. Ageing and society, 1051-1071.

Despite the growth of cultural gerontology this century, relatively few gerontologists have interrogated their own experiences of ageing through a critical reflexive lens. This paper seeks to address this lack of attention by discussing some findings... Read More about Being a Gerontologist: intersections between the professional and the personal in the Ageing of British Gerontology project.