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Outputs (83)

George Perry (c.1718-1771): industrialist, cartographer and naturalist (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). George Perry (c.1718-1771): industrialist, cartographer and naturalist. Archives of Natural History, 102 - 116.

George Perry (c.1718–1771) is known for his involvement in the development of the iron and engineering industries of Coalbrookdale, Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire and Liverpool, and also for his ambition to publish a history together with new maps of L... Read More about George Perry (c.1718-1771): industrialist, cartographer and naturalist.

In our own image: materialism’s impoverished image of humanity and what this means for our technological future (2022)
Brayford, K. M. (2022). In our own image: materialism’s impoverished image of humanity and what this means for our technological future. (Thesis). Keele University

In this thesis, I seek to temper the commonly held faith in our technological endeavours. Recently this has taken the form of seeking to create humanlike technologies. In part one, I argue that progress in this is derailed by the image of humanity ad... Read More about In our own image: materialism’s impoverished image of humanity and what this means for our technological future.

Powers and the Hard Problem of Consciousness: Conceivability, Possibility and Powers (2022)
Journal Article
Allen. (2022). Powers and the Hard Problem of Consciousness: Conceivability, Possibility and Powers. European Journal for Philosophy of Science,

Do conceivability arguments work against physicalism if properties are causal powers? By considering three different ways of understanding causal powers and the modality associated with them, I will argue that most, if not all, physicalist powers the... Read More about Powers and the Hard Problem of Consciousness: Conceivability, Possibility and Powers.

Rhizomatic poverty in aquaculture communities of rural India & Bangladesh (2022)
Journal Article
Shubin, S., Andrews, W., & Sowgat, T. (2022). Rhizomatic poverty in aquaculture communities of rural India & Bangladesh. Social and Cultural Geography, 24(8), 1285-1304.

The paper uses illustrations from rural India and Bangladesh to develop a critical analysis of practices and experiences of poverty often overlooked in development policies. It challenges the principle measurement, calculative rationality and static... Read More about Rhizomatic poverty in aquaculture communities of rural India & Bangladesh.

The Political Economy of Street Trees (2022)
Book Chapter
Catney, P., & Henneberry, J. (2022). The Political Economy of Street Trees. In The Politics of Street Trees. (1). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Over the last 50 years there has been a paradigmatic shift in the climate of ideas and governing orthodoxy from Keynesian-corporatism to neoliberalism. Such paradigms provide the philosophical goals that are pursued by policy and practice and determi... Read More about The Political Economy of Street Trees.

(What) Can Deep Learning Contribute to Theoretical Linguistics? (vol 31, pg 617, 2021) (2022)
Journal Article
Dupre, G. (2022). (What) Can Deep Learning Contribute to Theoretical Linguistics? (vol 31, pg 617, 2021). Minds and Machines, 32(1), 11-11.

Unfortunately, the following article was by mistake included in another issue but it is part of the Special Issue on Machine learning: Prediction Without Explanation?

Gabe Dupre “(What) Can Deep Learning... Read More about (What) Can Deep Learning Contribute to Theoretical Linguistics? (vol 31, pg 617, 2021).

"Negotiated Coexistence": Indian and Chinese Engagement in the Global Governance of Peacebuilding (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). "Negotiated Coexistence": Indian and Chinese Engagement in the Global Governance of Peacebuilding. International Studies Review,

A much-discussed theme in international relations is how emerging powers will engage with the declining liberal world order and its various governance regimes. This article examines the engagement of emergent powers with the regime of “peacebuilding.... Read More about "Negotiated Coexistence": Indian and Chinese Engagement in the Global Governance of Peacebuilding.