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Outputs (1147)

Multi-disciplinary site investigations of WW2 allied aerial bombing decoy sites in North Staffordshire, UK (2025)
Journal Article
Wisniewski, K., Pringle, J., Doyle, P., Barton, N., Stimpson, I., & Hobson, L. (in press). Multi-disciplinary site investigations of WW2 allied aerial bombing decoy sites in North Staffordshire, UK. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 1-24.

In 1937, the British government implemented a strategy to strengthen UK air defences, constructing a network of decoy sites to mislead enemy aircraft from bombing Allied airfields, industrial centres and major cities. This paper reports on investigat... Read More about Multi-disciplinary site investigations of WW2 allied aerial bombing decoy sites in North Staffordshire, UK.

Evaluating the effectiveness of air quality management plans as a governance instrument in South Africa (2024)
Mukwevho, P. Evaluating the effectiveness of air quality management plans as a governance instrument in South Africa. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Since the 19th century, industrialised societies introduced technologies to enhance economic production and productivity, most notably related to energy generation. These caused ever-increasing levels of air pollution. The ambient air quality has sub... Read More about Evaluating the effectiveness of air quality management plans as a governance instrument in South Africa.

Spatio-temporal usage of water sources by Black-cheeked Lovebirds Agapornis nigrigenis: implications for conservation planning (2024)
Journal Article
G. Phiri, C., J. Collar, N., Devenish, C., & Marsden, S. J. (2024). Spatio-temporal usage of water sources by Black-cheeked Lovebirds Agapornis nigrigenis: implications for conservation planning. Bird Conservation International, 34(e27), 1-9.

The Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis has a highly restricted range in dry south-western Zambia, where its distribution is clumped and localised in association with mopane Colophospermum mopane woodland and permanent water pools. Fieldwork... Read More about Spatio-temporal usage of water sources by Black-cheeked Lovebirds Agapornis nigrigenis: implications for conservation planning.

Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls (2024)
Journal Article
Pettigrew, R. P., Priddy, C. L., & Clarke, S. M. (2024). Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 168, Article 107047.

Spectral gamma ray (SGR) studies can help link outcrop exposures to downhole data and provide useful case studies to reduce uncertainty in interpreting geophysical logs where core and other geological data is unavailable. However, this technique is u... Read More about Outcrop spectral gamma-ray signals of distal arid continental basins: Facies identification and controls.

The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research (2024)
Journal Article
Dowey, N., Lawrence, A., Raji, M., Jackson, C., Williams, R., Fernando, B., …Souch, C. (2024). The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4, 1-24.

There is a well-documented racial and ethnic diversity crisis in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) subjects in the Global North that leads to inequities in who does environmental research. The Equator project set out to increase part... Read More about The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research.

Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement (2024)
Journal Article
Carter, E. J., Stock, M. J., Beresford-Browne, A., Cooper, M. R., Raine, R., & Fereyrolles, A. (2024). Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 644, Article 118903.

The generation of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) is a topic of vigorous debate with competing models variably invoking hot mantle plumes, insulative heating by supercontinents or edge driven convective instabilities. Mantle temperature and its tempor... Read More about Volcanic tempo driven by rapid fluctuations in mantle temperature during large igneous province emplacement.

Synthesis and characterisation of an iron oxide mesoporous silica nano-composite and its application in removal of methylene blue dye (2024)
Journal Article
Saod, W. M., Oliver, I. W., Contini, A., & Zholobenko, V. (in press). Synthesis and characterisation of an iron oxide mesoporous silica nano-composite and its application in removal of methylene blue dye. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1319, Article 139390.

Globally, effluents from textile industries and other waste streams have the potential to release vast amounts of chemical dyes and related substances into the environment. Treatment of water and waste-water to remove such pollutan... Read More about Synthesis and characterisation of an iron oxide mesoporous silica nano-composite and its application in removal of methylene blue dye.