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Intraguild predation in winter wheat: prey choice by a common epigeal carabid consuming spiders (2012)
Journal Article
Davey, J. S., Vaughan, I. P., King, R. A., Bell, J. R., Bohan, D. A., Bruford, M. W., …Symondson, W. O. (2013). Intraguild predation in winter wheat: prey choice by a common epigeal carabid consuming spiders. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(1), 271-279.

Predators can provide a valuable ecosystem service by suppressing crop pests. However, intraguild predation, where predators compete for the same prey resource whilst consuming each other, may destabilize population dynamics and increase the risk of... Read More about Intraguild predation in winter wheat: prey choice by a common epigeal carabid consuming spiders.

Seasonal migration to high latitudes results in major reproductive benefits in an insect (2012)
Journal Article
Chapman, J. W., Bell, J. R., Burgin, L. E., Reynolds, D. R., Pettersson, L. B., Hill, J. K., …Thomas, J. A. (2012). Seasonal migration to high latitudes results in major reproductive benefits in an insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(37), 14924-14929.

Little is known of the population dynamics of long-range insect migrants, and it has been suggested that the annual journeys of billions of nonhardy insects to exploit temperate zones during summer represent a sink from which future generations seldo... Read More about Seasonal migration to high latitudes results in major reproductive benefits in an insect.

Climatic change is advancing the phenology of moth species in Ireland (2012)
Journal Article
O’Neill, B. F., Bond, K., Tyner, A., Sheppard, R., Bryant, T., Chapman, J., …Donnelly, A. (2012). Climatic change is advancing the phenology of moth species in Ireland. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 143(1), 74-88.

Recent increases in global temperatures have contributed to advancing phenology of plants and animals. These increases in temperature have been shown to affect the phenological phases (phenophases) of plants and birds in Ireland, but less is known ab... Read More about Climatic change is advancing the phenology of moth species in Ireland.

Putting the brakes on a cycle: bottom-up effects damp cycle amplitude (2012)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., Burkness, E. C., Milne, A. E., Onstad, D. W., Abrahamson, M., Hamilton, K. L., & Hutchison, W. D. (2012). Putting the brakes on a cycle: bottom-up effects damp cycle amplitude. Ecology Letters, 15(4), 310-318.

Pest population density oscillations have a profound effect on agroecosystem functioning, particularly when pests cycle with epidemic persistence. Here, we ask whether landscape-level manipulations can be used to restrict the cycle amplitude of the E... Read More about Putting the brakes on a cycle: bottom-up effects damp cycle amplitude.