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Moth biomass has fluctuated over 50 years in Britain but lacks a clear trend (2019)
Journal Article
Macgregor, C. J., Williams, J. H., Bell, J. R., & Thomas, C. D. (2019). Moth biomass has fluctuated over 50 years in Britain but lacks a clear trend. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3, 1645–1649.

Steep insect biomass declines ('insectageddon') have been widely reported, despite a lack of continuously collected biomass data from replicated long-term monitoring sites. Such severe declines are not supported by the world’s longest running insect... Read More about Moth biomass has fluctuated over 50 years in Britain but lacks a clear trend.

Genetic structure at national and regional scale in a long-distance dispersing pest organism, the bird cherry–oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (2019)
Journal Article
Morales-Hojas, R., Gonzalez-Uriarte, A., Alvira Iraizoz, F., Jenkins, T., Alderson, L., Kruger, T., …Bell, J. R. (2019). Genetic structure at national and regional scale in a long-distance dispersing pest organism, the bird cherry–oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. bioRxiv,

Genetic diversity is determinant for pest species’ success and vector competence. Understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes that determine the genetic diversity is fundamental to help identify the spatial scale at which pest populations... Read More about Genetic structure at national and regional scale in a long-distance dispersing pest organism, the bird cherry–oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi.

Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year (2019)
Journal Article
Macgregor, C. J., Thomas, C. D., Roy, D. B., Beaumont, M. A., Bell, J. R., Brereton, T., …Hill, J. K. (2019). Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year. Nature Communications, 10, Article 4455.

Advances in phenology (the annual timing of species’ life-cycles) in response to climate change are generally viewed as bioindicators of climate change, but have not been considered as predictors of range expansions. Here, we show that phenology adva... Read More about Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year.

Spatial and habitat variation in aphid, butterfly, moth and bird phenologies over the last half century (2019)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., Botham, M. S., Henrys, P. A., Leech, D. I., Pearce-Higgins, J. W., Shortall, C. R., …Thackeray, S. J. (2019). Spatial and habitat variation in aphid, butterfly, moth and bird phenologies over the last half century. Global Change Biology, 25(6), 1982-1994.

Global warming has advanced the timing of biological events, potentially leading to disruption across trophic levels. The potential importance of phenological change as a driver of population trends has been suggested. To fully understand the possibl... Read More about Spatial and habitat variation in aphid, butterfly, moth and bird phenologies over the last half century.