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Outputs (98)

The emergence of manipulative experiments in ecological spider research (1684-1973) (2005)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R. (2005). The emergence of manipulative experiments in ecological spider research (1684-1973). Journal of Arachnology, 33(3), 826-849.

The history of spider ecology is discussed from its early beginnings in 1684 when the natural historian Martin Lister published his observations, to the post-war period up until 1973 when ecological spider research gathered momentum. While there have... Read More about The emergence of manipulative experiments in ecological spider research (1684-1973).

Detection of secondary predation by PCR analyses of the gut contents of invertebrate generalist predators (2005)
Journal Article
SHEPPARD, S., BELL, J., SUNDERLAND, K., FENLON, J., SKERVIN, D., & SYMONDSON, W. (2005). Detection of secondary predation by PCR analyses of the gut contents of invertebrate generalist predators. Molecular Ecology, 14(14), 4461-4468.

Predation by generalist predators is difficult to study in the field because of the complex effects of positive and negative interactions within and between predator species and guilds. Predation can be monitored by molecular means, through identific... Read More about Detection of secondary predation by PCR analyses of the gut contents of invertebrate generalist predators.

Can simple experimental electronics simulate the dispersal phase of spider ballooners? (2005)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., Bohan, D. A., Le Fevre, R., & Weyman, G. S. (2005). Can simple experimental electronics simulate the dispersal phase of spider ballooners?. Journal of Arachnology, 33(2), 523-532.

Here we describe the structure of a fall speed chamber designed to measure, with low experimental error, the terminal velocities (fall speeds) of spiders of known weight and a given length of silk. We also describe the construction of a simulated ind... Read More about Can simple experimental electronics simulate the dispersal phase of spider ballooners?.

Ballooning dispersal using silk: world fauna, phylogenies, genetics and models (2005)
Journal Article
Bell, J., Bohan, D., Shaw, E., & Weyman, G. (2005). Ballooning dispersal using silk: world fauna, phylogenies, genetics and models. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 95(2), 69 - 114.

Aerial dispersal using silk (‘ballooning’) has evolved in spiders (Araneae), spider mites (Acari) and in the larvae of moths (Lepidoptera). Since the 17th century, over 500 observations of ballooning behaviours have been published, yet there is an ab... Read More about Ballooning dispersal using silk: world fauna, phylogenies, genetics and models.

Manipulating the abundance of Lepthyphantes tenuis (Araneae : Linyphiidae) by field margin management (2002)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., Johnson, P. J., Hambler, C., Haughton, A. J., Smith, H., Feber, R. E., …Macdonald, D. W. (2002). Manipulating the abundance of Lepthyphantes tenuis (Araneae : Linyphiidae) by field margin management. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 93(1-3), 295-304.

Populations of the linyphiid spider Lepthyphantes tenuis were sampled in field margins in May, July and September in 1990–1991 and 1995–1996. Field margins were subjected to 10 grassland management regimes, which included the effects of spraying the... Read More about Manipulating the abundance of Lepthyphantes tenuis (Araneae : Linyphiidae) by field margin management.

The implications of grassland and heathland management for the conservation of spider communities: a review (2001)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., Philip Wheater, C., & Rod Cullen, W. (2001). The implications of grassland and heathland management for the conservation of spider communities: a review. Journal of Zoology, 255(3), 377-387.

Both intensity and type of habitat management in grasslands and heathlands affect spider communities. With high intensity management, spider communities often lack diversity and are dominated by a few r-selected species affiliated with bare ground. L... Read More about The implications of grassland and heathland management for the conservation of spider communities: a review.

The effect of the herbicide glyphosate on non-target spiders: Part II. Indirect effects on Lepthyphantes tenuis in field margins (2001)
Journal Article
Haughton, A. J., Bell, J. R., Boatman, N. D., & Wilcox, A. (2001). The effect of the herbicide glyphosate on non-target spiders: Part II. Indirect effects on Lepthyphantes tenuis in field margins. Pest Management Science, 57(11), 1037-1042.

We have examined the indirect effect of the herbicide glyphosate on the spider Lepthyphantes tenuis in field margins. Glyphosate was applied to a randomised block design field experiment comprising 360, 720 and 1440 g glyphosate AE ha−1 treatments an... Read More about The effect of the herbicide glyphosate on non-target spiders: Part II. Indirect effects on Lepthyphantes tenuis in field margins.