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Lay, professional, and police rape stereotype acceptance in England and Wales: A holistic, mixed-methods overview of the Criminal Justice System (2023)
Hermolle, M. F. V. (2023). Lay, professional, and police rape stereotype acceptance in England and Wales: A holistic, mixed-methods overview of the Criminal Justice System. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examined rape stereotype acceptance and use in England and Wales, viewed through the lens of Social Representations Theory (SRT). Given the high attrition rate and low prosecution rate for rape, the project was a holistic look at stereoty... Read More about Lay, professional, and police rape stereotype acceptance in England and Wales: A holistic, mixed-methods overview of the Criminal Justice System.

Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity (2023)
Journal Article
Rashal, E., Santandrea, E., Ben-Hamed, S., Macaluso, E., Chelazzi, L., & Boehler, C. N. (2023). Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 85(3), 705-717.

We examined the effect of combined top-down and bottom-up attentional control sources in easy and difficult visual search tasks. Applying a new analysis on previously acquired data, we focused on the sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN... Read More about Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity.

Don’t mind milk? The role of animal suffering, speciesism, and guilt in the denial of mind and moral status of dairy cows (2023)
Journal Article
Ioannidou, M., Lesk, V., Stewart-Knox, B., & Francis, K. B. (2024). Don’t mind milk? The role of animal suffering, speciesism, and guilt in the denial of mind and moral status of dairy cows. Food Quality and Preference, 114, Article 105082.

Reminding meat-eaters that animals are being harmed for meat production, elicits psychological tension about meat consumption. Individuals deal with this tension by either reducing or stopping meat consumption or by denying the mind of food animals,... Read More about Don’t mind milk? The role of animal suffering, speciesism, and guilt in the denial of mind and moral status of dairy cows.

Exploring the relationships between psychological variables and loot box engagement, part 1: pre-registered hypotheses (2023)
Journal Article
Close, J., Spicer, S. G., Nicklin, L. L., Uther, M., Whalley, B., Fullwood, C., …Lloyd, H. (2023). Exploring the relationships between psychological variables and loot box engagement, part 1: pre-registered hypotheses. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), 231045.

Loot boxes are purchasable randomized rewards in video games that share structural and psychological similarities with gambling. Systematic review evidence has established reproducible associations between loot box purchasing and both problem gamblin... Read More about Exploring the relationships between psychological variables and loot box engagement, part 1: pre-registered hypotheses.

Peer Victimization Trajectory and Psychosocial Maladjustment in Early Taiwanese Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study. (2023)
Journal Article
Wei, H., Shen, A. C., Hwa, H., Feng, J., Hsieh, Y., & Huang, C. (in press). Peer Victimization Trajectory and Psychosocial Maladjustment in Early Taiwanese Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 10.1007/s10578-023-01640-8.

This study examined the peer victimization trajectory and maladjustment outcomes among early Taiwanese adolescents. Data were extracted from a large-scale longitudinal study with a national representative sample. A total of 1691 school students in 4t... Read More about Peer Victimization Trajectory and Psychosocial Maladjustment in Early Taiwanese Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study..

Would you exchange your soul for immortality?—existential meaning and afterlife beliefs predict mind upload approval (2023)
Journal Article
Laakasuo, M., Sundvall, J., Francis, K., Drosinou, M., Hannikainen, I., Kunnari, A., & Palomäki, J. (2023). Would you exchange your soul for immortality?—existential meaning and afterlife beliefs predict mind upload approval. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1254846.

Mind upload, or the digital copying of an individual brain and mind, could theoretically allow one to “live forever.” If such a technology became available, who would be most likely to approve of it or condemn it? Research has shown that fear of deat... Read More about Would you exchange your soul for immortality?—existential meaning and afterlife beliefs predict mind upload approval.

The « jingle-jangle fallacy » of empathy: Delineating affective, cognitive and motor components of empathy from behavioral synchrony using a virtual agent (2023)
Journal Article
Ayache, J., Dumas, G., Sumich, A., Kuss, D. J., Rhodes, D., & Heym, N. (2024). The « jingle-jangle fallacy » of empathy: Delineating affective, cognitive and motor components of empathy from behavioral synchrony using a virtual agent. Personality and Individual Differences, 219, 112478.

Empathy is a multidimensional construct, which has been subject to many conceptualizations (affective, cognitive, and motor components). The present investigation delineated relationships between empathy facets, using questionnaires and a motor task... Read More about The « jingle-jangle fallacy » of empathy: Delineating affective, cognitive and motor components of empathy from behavioral synchrony using a virtual agent.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of procedural justice and legitimacy in policing: the effect of social identity and social contexts (2023)
Journal Article
Chan, A., Bradford, B., & Stott, C. (in press). A systematic review and meta-analysis of procedural justice and legitimacy in policing: the effect of social identity and social contexts. Journal of Experimental Criminology,

To systematically review the effect of social identity and social contexts on the association between procedural justice and legitimacy in policing.

A meta-analysis synthesising data from 123 studies (N = 200,966) addressing t... Read More about A systematic review and meta-analysis of procedural justice and legitimacy in policing: the effect of social identity and social contexts.

Spontaneous public response to a marauding knife attack on the London underground: Sociality, coordination and a repertoire of actions evidenced by CCTV footage (2023)
Journal Article
Au‐Yeung, T., Philpot, R., Stott, C., Radburn, M., & Drury, J. (in press). Spontaneous public response to a marauding knife attack on the London underground: Sociality, coordination and a repertoire of actions evidenced by CCTV footage. British Journal of Social Psychology,

Across a range of recent terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom, the question of how crowds behave in confined public space is an important concern. Classical theoretical assumptions are that human behaviour in such contexts is relatively uniform, s... Read More about Spontaneous public response to a marauding knife attack on the London underground: Sociality, coordination and a repertoire of actions evidenced by CCTV footage.