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What happened at home with art: Tracing the experience of consumers

Leach, Rebecca

What happened at home with art: Tracing the experience of consumers Thumbnail


Rebecca Leach


This chapter is based on eighteen in-depth interviews with people who purchased one or more items from the At Home With Art (AHWA) range in Homebase. It takes up Painter’s idea of ‘contagion’ as he deploys it in the catalogue to the AHWA exhibition and explores what it might mean, a compelling idea in our appreciation of objects. It is richly suggestive of a key dynamic in domestic taste—the idea that things simply speak to people without mediation. The chapter is concerned with the experiential side of the dialectic: the significances determined by respondents as they include AHWA pieces in their lives. Cummings nicely describes this interaction as ‘curating ourselves into being’– this idea is fundamental to this chapter, reliant on a material culture that extends well beyond the gallery and the university. In discussing curation and accommodation, there are themes: functionality and inevitability, negotiation and singularity, transformation and obstinacy in the objects.


Leach, R. (2002). What happened at home with art: Tracing the experience of consumers. In Contemporary Art and the Home (153 -180). (1). Taylor and Francis.

Publication Date Oct 1, 2002
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Pages 153 -180
Edition 1
Book Title Contemporary Art and the Home
Chapter Number 9
ISBN 1-859-73656-4
Keywords interior decoration, art, marketing, Great Britain
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