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Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail

Tartaglia, James

Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail Thumbnail



This paper is a critique of the new paradigm in analytic philosophy for investigating the meaning of life, focusing on Meaning in Life as the definitive example. Metz relies upon intuition, and reflection upon recent analytic literature, to guide him to his ‘fundamentality theory’. He calls this a theory of ‘the meaning of life’, saying it may be ‘the holy grail’. I argue that Metz’s project is not addressed to the meaning of life, but a distinct issue about social meaning; and that by neglecting and sidelining alternative approaches, his results are rendered provisional. I then argue that there are a number of equally legitimate senses of a ‘socially meaningful life’; that Metz’s exclusive and unjustified focus on only one radically diminishes the scope of his project; and that what remains is undermined by cultural specificity. Finally, I argue that the Kripkean semantics Metz adopts runs counter to his interests.


Tartaglia, J. (2015). Metz's Quest for the Holy Grail

Publication Date Sep 30, 2015
Journal Journal of the Philosophy of Life
Print ISSN 2185-4505
Pages 90-111
Publisher URL


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