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Limitations on personhood arguments for abortion and 'after-birth abortion'.

Wrigley, Anthony



Two notable limitations exist on the use of personhood arguments in establishing moral status. Firstly, although the attribution of personhood may give us sufficient reason to grant something moral status, it is not a necessary condition. Secondly, even if a person is that which has the 'highest' moral status, this does not mean that any interests of a person are justifiable grounds to kill something that has a 'lower' moral status. Additional justification is needed to overcome a basic wrongness associated with killing something possessing moral status. There are clear arguments already available in this regard in the case of a foetus that are not available in the case of a newborn infant. Hence, there is scope to consistently hold that abortion may be permissible but that after-birth abortion may not be permissible.


Wrigley, A. (2013). Limitations on personhood arguments for abortion and 'after-birth abortion'. Journal of Medical Ethics, 39(5), e15 -e18.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 31, 2013
Publication Date May 1, 2013
Journal Journal of Medical Ethics
Print ISSN 0306-6800
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 39
Issue 5
Pages e15 -e18
Keywords health policy, issues, ethics, legal aspects
Public URL
Publisher URL


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