N Li
The influence of halides in polyoxotitanate cages; dipole moment, splitting and expansion of d-orbitals and electron–electron repulsion
Li, N; Luo, H-K; Wright, DS; Hanf, S; Matthews, P
Metal-doped polyoxotitanate (M-POT) cages have been shown to be efficient single-source precursors to metal-doped titania [TiO2(M)] (state-of-the-art photocatalytic materials) as well as molecular models for the behaviour of dopant metal ions in bulk titania. Here we report the influence halide ions have on the optical and electronic properties of a series of halide-only, and cobalt halide-‘doped’ POT cages. In this combined experimental and computational study we show that halide ions can have several effects on the band gaps of halide-containing POT cages, influencing the dipole moment (hole–electron separation) and the structure of the valance band edge. Overall, the band gap behaviour stems from the effects of increasing orbital energy moving from F to I down Group 17, as well as crystal-field splitting of the d-orbitals, the potential effects of the Nephelauxetic influence of the halides and electron–electron repulsion.
Li, N., Luo, H., Wright, D., Hanf, S., & Matthews, P. (2016). The influence of halides in polyoxotitanate cages; dipole moment, splitting and expansion of d-orbitals and electron–electron repulsion. Dalton Transactions, 578-585. https://doi.org/10.1039/c6dt04288k
Acceptance Date | Dec 12, 2016 |
Publication Date | Dec 12, 2016 |
Journal | Dalton Transactions |
Print ISSN | 1477-9226 |
Publisher | Royal Society of Chemistry |
Pages | 578-585 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1039/c6dt04288k |
Publisher URL | https://doi.org/10.1039/c6dt04288k |
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