Aleksandr Gavrin
Developmental Modulation of Root Cell Wall Architecture Confers Resistance to an Oomycete Pathogen
Gavrin, Aleksandr; Rey, Thomas; Torode, Thomas A.; Toulotte, Justine; Chatterjee, Abhishek; Louis Kaplan, Jonathan; Evangelisti, Edouard; Takagi, Hiroki; Charoensawan, Varodom; Rengel, David; Journet, Etienne-Pascal; Debellé, Frédéric; de Carvalho-Niebel, Fernanda; Terauchi, Ryohei; Braybrook, Siobhan; Schornack, Sebastian
Thomas Rey
Thomas Torode
Justine Toulotte
Abhishek Chatterjee
Jonathan Louis Kaplan
Edouard Evangelisti
Hiroki Takagi
Varodom Charoensawan
David Rengel
Etienne-Pascal Journet
Frédéric Debellé
Fernanda de Carvalho-Niebel
Ryohei Terauchi
Siobhan Braybrook
Sebastian Schornack
The cell wall is the primary interface between plant cells and their immediate environment and must balance multiple functionalities, including the regulation of growth, the entry of beneficial microbes, and protection against pathogens. Here, we demonstrate how API, a SCAR2 protein component of the SCAR/WAVE complex, controls the root cell wall architecture important for pathogenic oomycete and symbiotic bacterial interactions in legumes. A mutation in API results in root resistance to the pathogen Phytophthora palmivora and colonization defects by symbiotic rhizobia. Although api mutant plants do not exhibit significant overall growth and development defects, their root cells display delayed actin and endomembrane trafficking dynamics and selectively secrete less of the cell wall polysaccharide xyloglucan. Changes associated with a loss of API establish a cell wall architecture with altered biochemical properties that hinder P. palmivora infection progress. Thus, developmental stage-dependent modifications of the cell wall, driven by SCAR/WAVE, are important in balancing cell wall developmental functions and microbial invasion.
Gavrin, A., Rey, T., Torode, T. A., Toulotte, J., Chatterjee, A., Louis Kaplan, J., …Schornack, S. (2020). Developmental Modulation of Root Cell Wall Architecture Confers Resistance to an Oomycete Pathogen. Current Biology, 4165 - 4176.e5.
Acceptance Date | Aug 4, 2020 |
Publication Date | Nov 2, 2020 |
Journal | Current Biology |
Print ISSN | 0960-9822 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Pages | 4165 - 4176.e5 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Medicago truncatula, Phytophthora, Rhizobia, SCAR/WAVE, cell wall, disease resistance, root endosymbiosis, susceptibility gene |
Publisher URL | |
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