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Post-bifurcation behaviour of elasto-capillary necking and bulging in soft tubes


Post-bifurcation behaviour of elasto-capillary necking and bulging in soft tubes Thumbnail



Previous linear bifurcation analyses have evidenced that an axially stretched soft cylindrical tube may develop an infinite-wavelength (localized) instability when one or both of its lateral surfaces are under sufficient surface tension. Phase transition interpretations have also highlighted that the tube admits a final evolved 'two-phase' state. How the localized instability initiates and evolves into the final 'two-phase' state is still a matter of contention, and this is the focus of the current study. Through a weakly nonlinear analysis conducted for a general material model, the initial sub-critical bifurcation solution is found to be localized bulging or necking depending on whether the axial stretch is greater or less than a certain threshold value. At this threshold value, an exceptionally super-critical kink-wave solution arises in place of localization. A thorough interpretation of the anticipated post-bifurcation behaviour based on our theoretical results is also given, and this is supported by finite-element method simulations.


Fu. (2021). Post-bifurcation behaviour of elasto-capillary necking and bulging in soft tubes. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1-21.

Acceptance Date Sep 9, 2021
Publication Date Oct 27, 2021
Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Print ISSN 1364-5021
Publisher The Royal Society
Pages 1-21
Publisher URL


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