K Jones
The stable climate of KELT-9b
Jones, K; Morris, BM; Demory, B-O; Ehrenreich, D; Hoyer, S; Simon, AE; Lendl, M; Demangeon, ODS; Sousa, SG; Bonfanti, A; Wilson, TG; Salmon, S; Csizmadia, S; Parviainen /, H; Bruno, G; Alibert, Y; Alonso, R; Anglada, G; Barczy, T; Barrado, D; Barros, SCC; Baumjohann, W; Beck, M; Beck, T; Benz, W; Bonfils, X; Brandeker, A; Broeg, C; Cabrera, J; Charnoz, S; Cameron, AC; Davies, MB; Deleuil, M; Deline, A; Isaak, KG; Kiss, LL; Laskar, J; des Etangs, AL; Lovis, C; Magrin, D; Maxted, PFL; Nascimbeni, V; Olofsson, G; Ottensamer, R; Pagano, I; Palle, E; Peter, G; Van Grootel, V; Piotto, G; Pollacco, D; Queloz, D; Ragazzoni, R; Rando, N; Ratti, F; Rauer, H; Reimers, C; Ribas, I; Santos, NC; Scandariato, G; Segransan, D; Smith, AMS; Steller, M; Szabo, GM; Thomas, N; Udry, S; Heng, K; Hooton, MJ; Billot, N; Delrez, L; Erikson, A; Fortier, A; Fossati, L; Fridlund, M; Gandolfi, D; Gillon, M; Gudel, M; Walter, I; Walton, NA; Jungo, WW
BM Morris
B-O Demory
D Ehrenreich
S Hoyer
AE Simon
M Lendl
ODS Demangeon
SG Sousa
A Bonfanti
TG Wilson
S Salmon
S Csizmadia
H Parviainen /
G Bruno
Y Alibert
R Alonso
G Anglada
T Barczy
D Barrado
SCC Barros
W Baumjohann
M Beck
T Beck
W Benz
X Bonfils
A Brandeker
C Broeg
J Cabrera
S Charnoz
AC Cameron
MB Davies
M Deleuil
A Deline
KG Isaak
LL Kiss
J Laskar
AL des Etangs
C Lovis
D Magrin
Pierre Maxted p.maxted@keele.ac.uk
V Nascimbeni
G Olofsson
R Ottensamer
I Pagano
E Palle
G Peter
V Van Grootel
G Piotto
D Pollacco
D Queloz
R Ragazzoni
N Rando
F Ratti
H Rauer
C Reimers
I Ribas
NC Santos
G Scandariato
D Segransan
AMS Smith
M Steller
GM Szabo
N Thomas
S Udry
K Heng
MJ Hooton
N Billot
L Delrez
A Erikson
A Fortier
L Fossati
M Fridlund
D Gandolfi
M Gillon
M Gudel
I Walter
NA Walton
WW Jungo
Even among the most irradiated gas giants, so-called ultra-hot Jupiters, KELT-9b stands out as the hottest planet thus far discovered with a dayside temperature of over 4500 K. At these extreme irradiation levels, we expect an increase in heat redistribution efficiency and a low Bond albedo owed to an extended atmosphere with molecular hydrogen dissociation occurring on the planetary dayside. We present new photometric observations of the KELT-9 system throughout 4 full orbits and 9 separate occultations obtained by the 30 cm space telescope CHEOPS. The CHEOPS bandpass, located at optical wavelengths, captures the peak of the thermal emission spectrum of KELT-9b. In this work we simultaneously analyse CHEOPS phase curves along with public phase curves from TESS and Spitzer to infer joint constraints on the phase curve variation, gravity-darkened transits, and occultation depth in three bandpasses, as well as derive 2D temperature maps of the atmosphere at three different depths. We find a day-night heat redistribution efficiency of ~0.3 which confirms expectations of enhanced energy transfer to the planetary nightside due to dissociation and recombination of molecular hydrogen. We also calculate a Bond albedo consistent with zero. We find no evidence of variability of the brightness temperature of the planet, excluding variability greater than 1%
Jones, K., Morris, B., Demory, B., Ehrenreich, D., Hoyer, S., Simon, A., …Jungo, W. (2022). The stable climate of KELT-9b. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 666, Article A118. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202243823
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Aug 8, 2022 |
Online Publication Date | Oct 19, 2022 |
Publication Date | Oct 19, 2022 |
Journal | Astronomy & Astrophysics |
Print ISSN | 0004-6361 |
Publisher | EDP Sciences |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 666 |
Article Number | A118 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202243823 |
Keywords | techniques: photometric / instrumentation: photometers / planets and satellites: atmospheres / planets and satellites: gaseous planets / eclipses / occultations |
Publisher URL | https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2022/10/aa43823-22/aa43823-22.html |
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