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On the catalytic mechanism of polysaccharide lyases: evidence of His and Tyr involvement in heparin lysis by heparinase I and the role of Ca2+

Córdula, Carolina R.; Lima, Marcelo A.; Shinjo, Samuel K.; Gesteira, Tarsis F.; Pol-Fachin, Laércio; Coulson-Thomas, Vivien J.; Verli, Hugo; Yates, Edwin A.; Rudd, Timothy R.; Pinhal, Maria A. S.; Toma, Leny; Dietrich, Carl P.; Nader, Helena B.; Tersariol, Ivarne L. S.


Carolina R. Córdula

Samuel K. Shinjo

Tarsis F. Gesteira

Laércio Pol-Fachin

Vivien J. Coulson-Thomas

Hugo Verli

Edwin A. Yates

Timothy R. Rudd

Maria A. S. Pinhal

Leny Toma

Carl P. Dietrich

Helena B. Nader

Ivarne L. S. Tersariol


The structurally diverse polysaccharide lyase enzymes are distributed from plants to animals but share common catalytic mechanisms. One, heparinase I (F. heparinum), is employed in the production of the major anticoagulant drug, low molecular weight heparin, and is a mainstay of cell surface proteoglycan analysis. We demonstrate that heparinase I specificity and efficiency depend on the cationic form of the substrate. Ca2+–heparin, in which α-L-iduronate-2-O-sulfate residues adopt 1C4 conformation preferentially, is a substrate, while Na+–heparin is an inhibitor. His and Tyr residues are identified in the catalytic step and a model based on molecular dynamics and docking is proposed, in which deprotonated His203 initiates β-elimination by abstracting the C5 proton of the α-L-iduonate-2-O-sulfate residue in the substrate, and protonated Tyr357 provides the donor to the hexosamine leaving group.


Córdula, C. R., Lima, M. A., Shinjo, S. K., Gesteira, T. F., Pol-Fachin, L., Coulson-Thomas, V. J., …Tersariol, I. L. S. (2013). On the catalytic mechanism of polysaccharide lyases: evidence of His and Tyr involvement in heparin lysis by heparinase I and the role of Ca2+. Molecular BioSystems, 10(1), 54-64.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 31, 2013
Deposit Date May 31, 2023
Journal Molecular BioSystems
Print ISSN 1742-206X
Electronic ISSN 1742-2051
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 10
Issue 1
Pages 54-64
Keywords Molecular Biology; Biotechnology
Publisher URL