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UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper

Grange, James A.; De'Bell, Hannah; Munafo, Marcus; Stafford, Tom; Partridge, Adam; Jacobs, Neil

UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper Thumbnail


Hannah De'Bell

Marcus Munafo

Tom Stafford

Adam Partridge

Neil Jacobs


UKRN Open Research Programme has released its first working paper about training priorities and resources aimed at accelerating the uptake of high quality open research practices.


Grange, J. A., De'Bell, H., Munafo, M., Stafford, T., Partridge, A., & Jacobs, N. UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper

Deposit Date Jun 12, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 19, 2023


UKRN Open Research Training Resources and Priorities Working Paper (1 Mb)

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