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Seale, Jonathan P.; Meixner, Margaret; Sewiło, Marta; Babler, Brian; Engelbracht, Charles W.; Gordon, Karl; Hony, Sacha; Misselt, Karl; Montiel, Edward; Okumura, Koryo; Panuzzo, Pasquale; Roman-Duval, Julia; Sauvage, Marc; Boyer, Martha L.; Chen, C.-H. Rosie; Indebetouw, Remy; Matsuura, Mikako; Oliveira, Joana M.; Srinivasan, Sundar; Loon, Jacco Th. van; Whitney, Barbara; Woods, Paul M.


Jonathan P. Seale

Margaret Meixner

Marta Sewiło

Brian Babler

Charles W. Engelbracht

Karl Gordon

Sacha Hony

Karl Misselt

Edward Montiel

Koryo Okumura

Pasquale Panuzzo

Julia Roman-Duval

Marc Sauvage

Martha L. Boyer

C.-H. Rosie Chen

Remy Indebetouw

Mikako Matsuura

Sundar Srinivasan

Barbara Whitney

Paul M. Woods


Observations from the HERschel Inventory of the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (HERITAGE) have been used to identify dusty populations of sources in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC). We conducted the study using the HERITAGE catalogs of point sources available from the Herschel Science Center from both the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS; 100 and 160 μm) and Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE; 250, 350, and 500 μm) cameras. These catalogs are matched to each other to create a Herschel band-merged catalog and then further matched to archival Spitzer IRAC and MIPS catalogs from the Spitzer Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (SAGE) and SAGE-SMC surveys to create single mid- to far-infrared (far-IR) point source catalogs that span the wavelength range from 3.6 to 500 μm. There are 35,322 unique sources in the LMC and 7503 in the SMC. To be bright in the FIR, a source must be very dusty, and so the sources in the HERITAGE catalogs represent the dustiest populations of sources. The brightest HERITAGE sources are dominated by young stellar objects (YSOs), and the dimmest by background galaxies. We identify the sources most likely to be background galaxies by first considering their morphology (distant galaxies are point-like at the resolution of Herschel) and then comparing the flux distribution to that of the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (ATLAS) survey of galaxies. We find a total of 9745 background galaxy candidates in the LMC HERITAGE images and 5111 in the SMC images, in agreement with the number predicted by extrapolating from the ATLAS flux distribution. The majority of the Magellanic Cloud-residing sources are either very young, embedded forming stars or dusty clumps of the interstellar medium. Using the presence of 24 μm emission as a tracer of star formation, we identify 3518 YSO candidates in the LMC and 663 in the SMC. There are far fewer far-IR bright YSOs in the SMC than the LMC due to both the SMCʼs smaller size and its lower dust content. The YSO candidate lists may be contaminated at low flux levels by background galaxies, and so we differentiate between sources with a high ("probable") and moderate ("possible") likelihood of being a YSO. There are 2493/425 probable YSO candidates in the LMC/SMC. Approximately 73% of the Herschel YSO candidates are newly identified in the LMC, and 35% in the SMC. We further identify a small population of dusty objects in the late stages of stellar evolution including extreme and post-asymptotic giant branch, planetary nebulae, and supernova remnants. These populations are identified by matching the HERITAGE catalogs to lists of previously identified objects in the literature. Approximately half of the LMC sources and one quarter of the SMC sources are too faint to obtain accurate ample FIR photometry and are unclassified.


Seale, J. P., Meixner, M., Sewiło, M., Babler, B., Engelbracht, C. W., Gordon, K., …Woods, P. M. (in press). HERschelKEY PROGRAM HERITAGE: A FAR-INFRARED SOURCE CATALOG FOR THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS. Astronomical Journal, 148(6), 124.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 2, 2014
Online Publication Date Nov 7, 2014
Deposit Date Jun 15, 2023
Journal The Astronomical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-6256
Publisher IOP Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 148
Issue 6
Pages 124
Keywords Space and Planetary Science; Astronomy and Astrophysics