M. Meixner
Meixner, M.; Panuzzo, P.; Roman-Duval, J.; Engelbracht, C.; Babler, B.; Seale, J.; Hony, S.; Montiel, E.; Sauvage, M.; Gordon, K.; Misselt, K.; Okumura, K.; Chanial, P.; Beck, T.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bolatto, A.; Bot, C.; Boyer, M. L.; Carlson, L. R.; Clayton, G. C.; Chen, C.-H. R.; Cormier, D.; Fukui, Y.; Galametz, M.; Galliano, F.; Hora, J. L.; Hughes, A.; Indebetouw, R.; Israel, F. P.; Kawamura, A.; Kemper, F.; Kim, S.; Kwon, E.; Lebouteiller, V.; Li, A.; Long, K. S.; Madden, S. C.; Matsuura, M.; Muller, E.; Oliveira, J. M.; Onishi, T.; Otsuka, M.; Paradis, D.; Poglitsch, A.; Reach, W. T.; Robitaille, T. P.; Rubio, M.; Sargent, B.; Sewiło, M.; Skibba, R.; Smith, L. J.; Srinivasan, S.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; van Loon, J. Th.; Whitney, B.
P. Panuzzo
J. Roman-Duval
C. Engelbracht
B. Babler
J. Seale
S. Hony
E. Montiel
M. Sauvage
K. Gordon
K. Misselt
K. Okumura
P. Chanial
T. Beck
J.-P. Bernard
A. Bolatto
C. Bot
M. L. Boyer
L. R. Carlson
G. C. Clayton
C.-H. R. Chen
D. Cormier
Y. Fukui
M. Galametz
F. Galliano
J. L. Hora
A. Hughes
R. Indebetouw
F. P. Israel
A. Kawamura
F. Kemper
S. Kim
E. Kwon
V. Lebouteiller
A. Li
K. S. Long
S. C. Madden
M. Matsuura
E. Muller
Joana Maria Oliveira j.oliveira@keele.ac.uk
T. Onishi
M. Otsuka
D. Paradis
A. Poglitsch
W. T. Reach
T. P. Robitaille
M. Rubio
B. Sargent
M. Sewiło
R. Skibba
L. J. Smith
S. Srinivasan
A. G. G. M. Tielens
Jacobus Van Loon j.t.van.loon@keele.ac.uk
B. Whitney
We provide a corrected Table 4 that lists the total galaxy fluxes for the HERTIAGE bands and corresponding Figure 19 which plots these fluxes in comparison to prior measurements These corrected fluxes differ by up to 41% to what we reported in the original paper. These revised fluxes utilize a more appropriate subtraction of the Milky Way Foreground Cirrus emission which contaminates especially the PACS 100 and 160 μm bands. The subtraction process uses the HI 21 cm emission to develop a model for the MW cirrus dust emission. In addition, the better subtraction process corrected for an over subtraction of the background in the SPIRE images of the SMC that occured during the original data processing. The need for these better foreground subtractions was realized while working on an analysis of the dust masses and gas-to-dust ratios in the LMC and SMC reported by Gordon et al. (2014) and Roman-Duval et al. (2014). After the subtraction has been done, the fluxes were derived by simply summing up all the pixels in the image. The errors we quote for the fluxes reflect the absolute flux calibration errors for extended sources which are ∼10% for PACS and ∼8% for SPIRE. In the revised Figure 19, we confirm that these corrected global fluxes remain within the range of prior global measurements for both the LMC and SMC. Indeed, the shape of the corrected spectral energy distributions appears better aligned with prior measurements.
Meixner, M., Panuzzo, P., Roman-Duval, J., Engelbracht, C., Babler, B., Seale, J., …Whitney, B. (2015). ERRATUM: “THE HERSCHEL INVENTORY OF THE AGENTS OF GALAXY EVOLUTION (HERITAGE) IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS, A HERSCHEL OPEN TIME KEY PROGRAM” (2013, AJ, 146, 62). Astronomical Journal, 149(2), Article 88. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/149/2/88
Journal Article Type | Addendum |
Online Publication Date | Feb 2, 2015 |
Publication Date | Feb 1, 2015 |
Deposit Date | Jun 16, 2023 |
Journal | The Astronomical Journal |
Print ISSN | 0004-6256 |
Electronic ISSN | 1538-3881 |
Publisher | IOP Publishing |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 149 |
Issue | 2 |
Article Number | 88 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/149/2/88 |
Keywords | Space and Planetary Science; Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Additional Information | Article Title: ERRATUM: “THE HERSCHEL INVENTORY OF THE AGENTS OF GALAXY EVOLUTION (HERITAGE) IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS, A HERSCHEL OPEN TIME KEY PROGRAM” (2013, AJ, 146, 62); Journal Title: The Astronomical Journal; Article Type: paper; Copyright Information: © 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.; Date Received: 2014-12-17; Date Accepted: 2014-12-26; Online publication date: 2015-02-02 |
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