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A Genome-Wide Association Analysis of 2,622,830 Individuals Reveals New Pathogenic Pathways in Gout

Merriman, Tony; Matsuo, Hirotaka; Takei, Riku; Leask, Megan; Topless, Ruth; Shirai, Yuya; Li, Zhiqiang; Cadzow, Murray; Reynolds, Richard; Saag, Kenneth; Fadason, Tayaza; O'Sullivan, Justin; Dalbeth, Nicola; Stamp, Lisa; Abhishek, Abhishek; Doherty, Michael; Roddy, Edward; Jacobsson, Lennart; Kapetanovic, Meliha; Andrès, Mariano; Perez-Ruiz, Fernando; Torres Jimenez, Rosa; Radstake, Timothy; Jansen, Timothy; Janssen, Matthijs; Joosten, Leo; Octavia Crisan, Tania; Huizinga, Tom; LIOTE, Frederic; Richette, Pascal; Bardin, Thomas; Pascart, Tristan; McCarthy, Geraldine; Stiburkova, Blanka; Tausche, Anne; Uhlig, Till; Vitart, Veronique; Riches, Philip; Ralston, Stuart; MacDonald, Thomas; Nakayama, Akiyoshi; Nakatochi, Masahiro; Ichida, Kimiyoshi; Takada, Tappei; Lee, Chaeyoung; Brown, Matthew; Robinson, Philip; Hill, Catherine; Choi, Hyon; Sumpter, Nicholas; Merriman, Marilyn; Phipps-Green, Amanda; Wei, Wenhua; McCormick, Sally; Melander, Olle; Toes, René; Ea, Hang-Korng; Kurreeman, Fina; H...


Tony Merriman

Hirotaka Matsuo

Riku Takei

Megan Leask

Ruth Topless

Yuya Shirai

Zhiqiang Li

Murray Cadzow

Richard Reynolds

Kenneth Saag

Tayaza Fadason

Justin O'Sullivan

Nicola Dalbeth

Lisa Stamp

Abhishek Abhishek

Michael Doherty

Lennart Jacobsson

Meliha Kapetanovic

Mariano Andrès

Fernando Perez-Ruiz

Rosa Torres Jimenez

Timothy Radstake

Timothy Jansen

Matthijs Janssen

Leo Joosten

Tania Octavia Crisan

Tom Huizinga

Frederic LIOTE

Pascal Richette

Thomas Bardin

Tristan Pascart

Geraldine McCarthy

Blanka Stiburkova

Anne Tausche

Till Uhlig

Veronique Vitart

Philip Riches

Stuart Ralston

Thomas MacDonald

Akiyoshi Nakayama

Masahiro Nakatochi

Kimiyoshi Ichida

Tappei Takada

Chaeyoung Lee

Matthew Brown

Philip Robinson

Catherine Hill

Hyon Choi

Nicholas Sumpter

Marilyn Merriman

Amanda Phipps-Green

Wenhua Wei

Sally McCormick

Olle Melander

René Toes

Hang-Korng Ea

Fina Kurreeman

Laura Helbert

Thibaud Boutin

Nariyoshi Shinomiya

Linda Bradbury

Russell Buchanan

Susan Lester

Malcolm Smith

Maureen Rischmueller

On behalf of Japan Gout Genomics Consortium (J-Gout)

On behalf of Japan Multi-Instl Collab Cohort Study (J-MICC)

Eli Stahl

Jeff Miner

Daniel Solomon

Jing Cui

Kathleen Giacomini

Deanna Brackman

Eric Jorgenson

On behalf of 23andMe Research Team

Suyash Shringapure

Alexander So

Yukinori Okada

Changgui Li

Yongyong Shi

Tanya Major


Background/Purpose: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in gout have been relatively small (≤13,179 people with gout) and have provided little insight into the progression from hyperuricemia to gout. We present a gout GWAS that includes 120,282 people with gout.

Methods: Participants were from 13 cohorts and four ancestral groups (African 3,052 gout/77,891 non-gout; East Asian 10,729/82,807; European 100,661/2,106,003; Latina 5,840/235,847). Ancestry-specific GWAS summary statistics were meta-analysed to form the trans-ancestral GWAS. Candidate causal genes were identified by co-localization with expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) using the Gene and Tissue Expression dataset and/or having a candidate missense causal variant and/or by MAGMA gene set analysis. IL-1β response QTL were identified using the 500FG cohort. Pathway analysis was done using KEGG and drug repositioning analysis was done using Genome for Repositioning Drugs.

Results: There were 339 gout-associated loci encompassing 515 independently-associated variants. 123 loci did not overlap with any previously reported in urate or gout. Co-localization of GWAS and eQTL signals identified 1,657 cis- and 267 trans-eQTLs for 252 of the 339 loci. Some co-localized eQTL genes regulate NLRP3 inflammasome activation and activity (e.g. TMEM176B, SCAP, INSIG2 SREBF-AS1, FADS2, NLRC3). Co-localized eQTLs also included TET2, EZH2, IDH2, and RUNX1, genes mutated in Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP). Enriched molecular pathways using candidate genes identified purine metabolism, amino acid metabolism and insulin signalling pathways (Figure 1). Genetic variants present in the 500FG dataset and not previously associated with urate (n=93, possibly involved in inflammation in gout) had amplification of signal that associated with IL-1b response to monosodium urate (MSU) crystal and LPS co-stimulation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Figure 2). However those associated with urate (n=317) did not exhibit amplified signal (Figure 2). The gout GWAS signal at the top-associated variant of the 93 variants not associated with urate (rs9973741) co-localized with genetic control of production of IL-1b upon stimulation (the gout risk allele associated with increased IL-1β level), and also co-localized with genetic control (eQTL) of IL1RN and IL-38 expression, implicating these genes as causal at this locus. An association signal at Xanthine Dehydrogenase was restricted to males and co-localized with XDH expression (eQTL) only in the prostate (Figure 3). Gout-associated loci represented drug repurposing possibilities from neoplasm, blood biochemistry, and metabolic disorder treatment categories.

Conclusion: We implicate multiple new causal genes and pathways in gout. In addition to genes that regulate urate, NLRP3 inflammasome activity and autophagy, this work has identified the CHIP pathway, that includes epigenome modification proteins, in gout pathogenesis. Other pathways identified involve insulin signalling and purine and glutamate metabolism. Uniquely regulated production of urate by the prostate potentially represents a novel risk factor for gout in men.


Merriman, T., Matsuo, H., Takei, R., Leask, M., Topless, R., Shirai, Y., …Major, T. (2022, November). A Genome-Wide Association Analysis of 2,622,830 Individuals Reveals New Pathogenic Pathways in Gout. Presented at ACR Convergence 2022

Presentation Conference Type Speech
Conference Name ACR Convergence 2022
Start Date Nov 10, 2022
End Date Nov 14, 2022
Deposit Date Jun 19, 2023
Publisher URL
Additional Information ABSTRACT NUMBER: 1678