Joana Maria Oliveira
Ice chemistry in embedded young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Oliveira, J. M.; van Loon, J. Th.; Chen, C.-H. R.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Sloan, G. C.; Woods, P. M.; Kemper, F.; Indebetouw, R.; Gordon, K. D.; Boyer, M. L.; Shiao, B.; Madden, S.; Speck, A. K.; Meixner, M.; Marengo, M.
Jacobus Van Loon
C.-H. R. Chen
A. G. G. M. Tielens
G. C. Sloan
P. M. Woods
F. Kemper
R. Indebetouw
K. D. Gordon
M. L. Boyer
B. Shiao
S. Madden
A. K. Speck
M. Meixner
M. Marengo
We present spectroscopic observations of a sample of 15 embedded young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). These observations were obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) as part of the SAGE-Spec Legacy program. We analyze the two prominent ice bands in the IRS spectral range: the bending mode of CO_2 ice at 15.2 micron and the ice band between 5 and 7 micron that includes contributions from the bending mode of water ice at 6 micron amongst other ice species. The 5-7 micron band is difficult to identify in our LMC sample due to the conspicuous presence of PAH emission superimposed onto the ice spectra. We identify water ice in the spectra of two sources; the spectrum of one of those sources also exhibits the 6.8 micron ice feature attributed to ammonium and methanol. We model the CO_2 band in detail, using the combination of laboratory ice profiles available in the literature. We find that a significant fraction (> 50%) of CO_2 ice is locked in a water-rich component, consistent with what is observed for Galactic sources. The majority of the sources in the LMC also require a pure-CO_2 contribution to the ice profile, evidence of thermal processing. There is a suggestion that CO_2 production might be enhanced in the LMC, but the size of the available sample precludes firmer conclusions. We place our results in the context of the star formation environment in the LMC.
Oliveira, J. M., van Loon, J. T., Chen, C. R., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Sloan, G. C., Woods, P. M., …Marengo, M. (2009). Ice chemistry in embedded young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Astrophysical Journal, 707(1269),
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Nov 4, 2009 |
Online Publication Date | Nov 3, 2009 |
Publication Date | Nov 3, 2009 |
Deposit Date | Jul 6, 2023 |
Publicly Available Date | Jul 6, 2023 |
Journal | Astrophys.J.707:1269-1295,2009 |
Print ISSN | 0004-637X |
Publisher | American Astronomical Society |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 707 |
Issue | 1269 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Solar and Stellar Astrophysics; Astrophysics of Galaxies; astrochemistry – circumstellar matter – galaxies: individual (LMC) – Magellanic Clouds – stars: formation |
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