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Systematic review identifies the design and methodological conduct of studies on machine learning-based prediction models

Navarro, Constanza L. Andaur; Damen, Johanna A. A.; van Smeden, Maarten; Takada, Toshihiko; Nijman, Steven W. J.; Dhiman, Paula; Ma, Jie; Collins, Gary S.; Bajpai, Ram; Riley, Richard D.; Moons, Karel G. M.; Hooft, Lotty


Constanza L. Andaur Navarro

Johanna A. A. Damen

Maarten van Smeden

Toshihiko Takada

Steven W. J. Nijman

Paula Dhiman

Jie Ma

Gary S. Collins

Richard D. Riley

Karel G. M. Moons

Lotty Hooft


Background and Objectives
We sought to summarize the study design, modelling strategies, and performance measures reported in studies on clinical prediction models developed using machine learning techniques.

We search PubMed for articles published between 01/01/2018 and 31/12/2019, describing the development or the development with external validation of a multivariable prediction model using any supervised machine learning technique. No restrictions were made based on study design, data source, or predicted patient-related health outcomes.

We included 152 studies, 58 (38.2% [95% CI 30.8–46.1]) were diagnostic and 94 (61.8% [95% CI 53.9–69.2]) prognostic studies. Most studies reported only the development of prediction models (n = 133, 87.5% [95% CI 81.3–91.8]), focused on binary outcomes (n = 131, 86.2% [95% CI 79.8–90.8), and did not report a sample size calculation (n = 125, 82.2% [95% CI 75.4–87.5]). The most common algorithms used were support vector machine (n = 86/522, 16.5% [95% CI 13.5–19.9]) and random forest (n = 73/522, 14% [95% CI 11.3–17.2]). Values for area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve ranged from 0.45 to 1.00. Calibration metrics were often missed (n = 494/522, 94.6% [95% CI 92.4–96.3]).

Our review revealed that focus is required on handling of missing values, methods for internal validation, and reporting of calibration to improve the methodological conduct of studies on machine learning–based prediction models.


Navarro, C. L. A., Damen, J. A. A., van Smeden, M., Takada, T., Nijman, S. W. J., Dhiman, P., …Hooft, L. (2023). Systematic review identifies the design and methodological conduct of studies on machine learning-based prediction models. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 154, 8-22.

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date Nov 22, 2022
Online Publication Date Nov 25, 2022
Publication Date 2023-02
Deposit Date Jun 28, 2023
Journal Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Print ISSN 0895-4356
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 154
Pages 8-22
Public URL
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