Kazuyoshi Ishigaki
Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses identify novel genetic mechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis
Ishigaki, Kazuyoshi; Sakaue, Saori; Terao, Chikashi; Luo, Yang; Sonehara, Kyuto; Yamaguchi, Kensuke; Amariuta, Tiffany; Lai Too, Chun; A. Laufer, Vincent; C. Scott, Ian; Viatte, Sebastien; Takahashi, Meiko; Ohmura, Koichiro; Murasawa, Akira; Hashimoto, Motomu; Ito, Hiromu; Hammoudeh, Mohammed; Al Emadi, Samar; K. Masri, Basel; Halabi, Hussein; Badsha, Humeira; W. Uthman, Imad; Wu, Xin; Lin, Li; Li, Ting; Plant, Darren; Barton, Anne; Orozco, Gisela; M. M. Verstappen, Suzanne; Bowes, John; J. MacGregor, Alexander; Honda, Suguru; Koido, Masaru; Tomizuka, Kohei; Kamatani, Yoichiro; Tanaka, Hiroaki; Tanaka, Eiichi; Suzuki, Akari; Maeda, Yuichi; Yamamoto, Kenichi; Miyawaki, Satoru; Xie, Gang; Zhang, Jinyi; I. Amos, Christopher; Keystone, Edward; Wolbink, Gertjan; van der Horst-Bruinsma, Irene; Cui, Jing; P. Liao, Katherine; J. Carroll, Robert
Saori Sakaue
Chikashi Terao
Yang Luo
Kyuto Sonehara
Kensuke Yamaguchi
Tiffany Amariuta
Chun Lai Too
Vincent A. Laufer
Ian Scott i.scott@keele.ac.uk
Sebastien Viatte
Meiko Takahashi
Koichiro Ohmura
Akira Murasawa
Motomu Hashimoto
Hiromu Ito
Mohammed Hammoudeh
Samar Al Emadi
Basel K. Masri
Hussein Halabi
Humeira Badsha
Imad W. Uthman
Xin Wu
Li Lin
Ting Li
Darren Plant
Anne Barton
Gisela Orozco
Suzanne M. M. Verstappen
John Bowes
Alexander J. MacGregor
Suguru Honda
Masaru Koido
Kohei Tomizuka
Yoichiro Kamatani
Hiroaki Tanaka
Eiichi Tanaka
Akari Suzuki
Yuichi Maeda
Kenichi Yamamoto
Satoru Miyawaki
Gang Xie
Jinyi Zhang
Christopher I. Amos
Edward Keystone
Gertjan Wolbink
Irene van der Horst-Bruinsma
Jing Cui
Katherine P. Liao
Robert J. Carroll
Ishigaki, K., Sakaue, S., Terao, C., Luo, Y., Sonehara, K., Yamaguchi, K., …J. Carroll, R. (2022). Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses identify novel genetic mechanisms in rheumatoid arthritis. Nature Genetics, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-022-01213-w
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Sep 26, 2022 |
Publication Date | 2022-11 |
Deposit Date | Aug 15, 2023 |
Journal | Nature Genetics |
Print ISSN | 1061-4036 |
Publisher | Nature Publishing Group |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-022-01213-w |
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