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The thermo-viscous fingering instability of a cooling spreading liquid dome

Algwauish, Ghanim; Naire, Shailesh

The thermo-viscous fingering instability of a cooling spreading liquid dome Thumbnail


Ghanim Algwauish


We investigate a theoretical model of a molten viscous planar liquid dome spreading under gravity over an inclined substrate. The liquid in the dome cools as it spreads, losing its heat to the surrounding colder air and substrate. Coupled nonlinear evolution equations for the dome's thickness and temperature describing the spreading flow are derived employing the lubrication approximation. The coupling between the flow and cooling is via a temperature-dependent viscosity. For intermediate Péclet numbers, a new one-dimensional free surface shape is identified. In this solution, the hotter and more mobile liquid piles up behind the dome's colder and less mobile leading edge, forming a distinct elevated ridge at the flow front. The ridge solution is mapped in parameter space. The transverse stability of the one-dimensional ridge solution is investigated using linear stability analysis and numerical simulations. The existence of a thermo-viscous fingering instability is revealed. For this instability to occur the presence of the ridge is shown to be necessary. Two-dimensional simulations confirm the stability analysis elucidating the underlying thermo-viscous mechanism.


Algwauish, G., & Naire, S. (2023). The thermo-viscous fingering instability of a cooling spreading liquid dome. Physics of Fluids, 35(11), Article 112109.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 26, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 15, 2023
Publication Date Nov 15, 2023
Deposit Date Oct 27, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 20, 2023
Journal Physics of Fluids
Print ISSN 1070-6631
Publisher AIP Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 35
Issue 11
Article Number 112109
Keywords Linear stability analysis, Heat transfer, Volcanology, MATLAB, Newtonian fluids, Gravity currents, Lubrication flows, Material processing flows, Viscous fingering, Viscous liquid
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