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Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients

Qiu, Tong; Aravena, Marie-Claire; Ascoli, Davide; Bergeron, Yves; Bogdziewicz, Michal; Boivin, Thomas; Bonal, Raul; Caignard, Thomas; Cailleret, Maxime; Calama, Rafael; Calderon, Sergio Donoso; Camarero, J. Julio; Chang-Yang, Chia-Hao; Chave, Jerome; Chianucci, Francesco; Courbaud, Benoit; Cutini, Andrea; Das, Adrian J.; Delpierre, Nicolas; Delzon, Sylvain; Dietze, Michael; Dormont, Laurent; Espelta, Josep Maria; Fahey, Timothy J.; Farfan-Rios, William; Franklin, Jerry F.; Gehring, Catherine A.; Gilbert, Gregory S.; Gratzer, Georg; Greenberg, Cathryn H.; Guignabert, Arthur; Guo, Qinfeng; Hacket-Pain, Andrew; Hampe, Arndt; Han, Qingmin; Holik, Jan; Hoshizaki, Kazuhiko; Ibanez, Ines; Johnstone, Jill F.; Journé, Valentin; Kitzberger, Thomas; Knops, Johannes M. H.; Kunstler, Georges; Kurokawa, Hiroko; Lageard, Jonathan G. A.; LaMontagne, Jalene M.; Lefevre, Francois; Leininger, Theodor; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Lutz, James A.; Macias, Diana; Marell, Anders; McIntire, Eliot J. B.; Moore, Christ...


Tong Qiu

Marie-Claire Aravena

Davide Ascoli

Yves Bergeron

Michal Bogdziewicz

Thomas Boivin

Raul Bonal

Thomas Caignard

Maxime Cailleret

Rafael Calama

Sergio Donoso Calderon

J. Julio Camarero

Chia-Hao Chang-Yang

Jerome Chave

Francesco Chianucci

Benoit Courbaud

Andrea Cutini

Adrian J. Das

Nicolas Delpierre

Sylvain Delzon

Michael Dietze

Laurent Dormont

Josep Maria Espelta

Timothy J. Fahey

William Farfan-Rios

Jerry F. Franklin

Catherine A. Gehring

Gregory S. Gilbert

Georg Gratzer

Cathryn H. Greenberg

Arthur Guignabert

Qinfeng Guo

Andrew Hacket-Pain

Arndt Hampe

Qingmin Han

Jan Holik

Kazuhiko Hoshizaki

Ines Ibanez

Jill F. Johnstone

Valentin Journé

Thomas Kitzberger

Johannes M. H. Knops

Georges Kunstler

Hiroko Kurokawa

Jonathan G. A. Lageard

Jalene M. LaMontagne

Francois Lefevre

Theodor Leininger

Jean-Marc Limousin

James A. Lutz

Diana Macias

Anders Marell

Eliot J. B. McIntire

Christopher M. Moore

Emily Moran

Renzo Motta

Jonathan A. Myers

Thomas A. Nagel

Shoji Naoe

Mahoko Noguchi

Michio Oguro

Robert Parmenter

Ian S. Pearse

Ignacio M. Perez-Ramos

Lukasz Piechnik

Tomasz Podgorski

John Poulsen

Miranda D. Redmond

Chantal D. Reid

Kyle C. Rodman

Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez

Pavel Samonil

Javier D. Sanguinetti

C. Lane Scher

Barbara Seget

Shubhi Sharma

Mitsue Shibata

Miles Silman

Michael A. Steele

Nathan L. Stephenson

Jacob N. Straub

Samantha Sutton

Jennifer J. Swenson

Margaret Swift

Maria Uriarte

Giorgio Vacchiano

Amy V. Whipple

Thomas G. Whitham

Andreas P. Wion

S. Joseph Wright

Kai Zhu

Jess K. Zimmerman

Magdalena Zywiec

James S. Clark


The benefits of masting (volatile, quasi-synchronous seed production at lagged intervals) include satiation of seed predators, but these benefits come with a cost to mutualist pollen and seed dispersers. If the evolution of masting represents a balance between these benefits and costs, we expect mast avoidance in species that are heavily reliant on mutualist dispersers. These effects play out in the context of variable climate and site fertility among species that vary widely in nutrient demand. Meta-analyses of published data have focused on variation at the population scale, thus omitting periodicity within trees and synchronicity between trees. From raw data on 12 million tree-years worldwide, we quantified three components of masting that have not previously been analysed together: (i) volatility, defined as the frequency-weighted year-to-year variation; (ii) periodicity, representing the lag between high-seed years; and (iii) synchronicity, indicating the tree-to-tree correlation. Results show that mast avoidance (low volatility and low synchronicity) by species dependent on mutualist dispersers explains more variation than any other effect. Nutrient-demanding species have low volatility, and species that are most common on nutrient-rich and warm/wet sites exhibit short periods. The prevalence of masting in cold/dry sites coincides with climatic conditions where dependence on vertebrate dispersers is less common than in the wet tropics. Mutualist dispersers neutralize the benefits of masting for predator satiation, further balancing the effects of climate, site fertility and nutrient demands.


Qiu, T., Aravena, M., Ascoli, D., Bergeron, Y., Bogdziewicz, M., Boivin, T., …Clark, J. S. (in press). Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients. Nature Plants, 9(7), 1044-1056.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 17, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 29, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 1, 2023
Journal Nature Plants
Print ISSN 2055-026X
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 7
Pages 1044-1056
Keywords Plant Science
Additional Information Received: 17 August 2022; Accepted: 17 May 2023; First Online: 29 June 2023; : The authors declare no competing interests.