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Longer-term health and social care strategies for stroke survivors and their carers: the LoTS2Care research programme including cluster feasibility RCT

Forster, Anne; Ozer, Seline; Crocker, Thomas F; House, Allan; Hewison, Jenny; Roberts, Elaine; Dickerson, Josie; Carter, Gill; Hulme, Claire; Fay, Matthew; Richardson, Gillian; Wright, Alan; McKevitt, Christopher; McEachan, Rosemary; Foy, Robbie; Barnard, Lorna; Moreau, Lauren; Prashar, Arvin; Clarke, David; Hardicre, Natasha; Holloway, Ivana; Brindle, Richard; Hall, Jessica; Burton, Louisa-Jane; Atkinson, Ross; Hawkins, Rebecca J; Brown, Lesley; Cornwall, Nicola; Dawkins, Bryony; Meads, David; Schmitt, Laetitia; Fletcher, Marie; Speed, Michael; Grenfell, Katie; Hartley, Suzanne; Young, John; Farrin, Amanda


Anne Forster

Seline Ozer

Thomas F Crocker

Allan House

Jenny Hewison

Elaine Roberts

Josie Dickerson

Gill Carter

Claire Hulme

Matthew Fay

Gillian Richardson

Alan Wright

Christopher McKevitt

Rosemary McEachan

Robbie Foy

Lorna Barnard

Lauren Moreau

Arvin Prashar

David Clarke

Natasha Hardicre

Ivana Holloway

Richard Brindle

Jessica Hall

Louisa-Jane Burton

Ross Atkinson

Rebecca J Hawkins

Lesley Brown

Bryony Dawkins

David Meads

Laetitia Schmitt

Marie Fletcher

Michael Speed

Katie Grenfell

Suzanne Hartley

John Young

Amanda Farrin


Forster, A., Ozer, S., Crocker, T. F., House, A., Hewison, J., Roberts, E., …Farrin, A. (2021). Longer-term health and social care strategies for stroke survivors and their carers: the LoTS2Care research programme including cluster feasibility RCT. NIHR

Report Type Research Report
Publication Date 2021-04
Deposit Date Nov 30, 2023
Publisher NIHR Journals Library
Pages 1-268
Keywords Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Health Informatics; Health Policy
Public URL
Publisher URL
PMID 33819000
Additional Information Free to read: This content has been made freely available to all.; Contractual start date: 10-2013; Editorial review begun: 5-2019; Accepted for publication: 6-2020