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Conical shell X-ray beam tomosynthesis and micro-computed tomography for microarchitectural characterisation

Arnold, Emily L.; Elarnaut, Farid; Downes, David; Evans, J. Paul O.; Greenwood, Charlene; Rogers, Keith D.

Conical shell X-ray beam tomosynthesis and micro-computed tomography for microarchitectural characterisation Thumbnail


Emily L. Arnold

Farid Elarnaut

David Downes

J. Paul O. Evans

Keith D. Rogers


Bone quality is commonly used to diagnose bone diseases such as osteoporosis, with many studies focusing on microarchitecture for fracture prediction. In this study a bovine distal femur was imaged using both micro-computed tomography (µCT) and tomosynthesis using focal construct geometry (FCG) for comparison of microarchitectural parameters. Six regions of interest (ROIs) were compared between the two imaging modalities, with both global and adaptive methods used to binarize the images. FCG images were downsampled to the same pixel size as the µCT images. Bone morphometrics were determined using BoneJ, for each imaging modality, binarization technique and ROI. Bone area/total area was found to have few significant differences between FCG and µCT (p < 0.05 for two of six ROIs). Fractal Dimension had only one significant difference (p < 0.05 for one of six ROIs) between µCT and downsampled FCG (where pixel size was equalized). Trabecular thickness and trabecular spacing were observed to follow trends as observed for the corresponding µCT images, although many absolute values were significantly different (p < 0.05 for between one and six ROIs depending on image types used). This study demonstrates the utility of tomosynthesis for measurement of microarchitectural morphometrics.


Arnold, E. L., Elarnaut, F., Downes, D., Evans, J. P. O., Greenwood, C., & Rogers, K. D. (in press). Conical shell X-ray beam tomosynthesis and micro-computed tomography for microarchitectural characterisation. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 21480.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 30, 2023
Online Publication Date Dec 6, 2023
Deposit Date Dec 11, 2023
Publicly Available Date Dec 11, 2023
Journal Scientific Reports
Electronic ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 13
Issue 1
Article Number 21480


Published OA (2.6 Mb)


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