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2005 How do emergency ambulance clinicians decide what to do for older adults who have fallen? An analysis of qualitative survey data

Gunson, I; Bullock, L; Kingstone, T; Bucknall, M


I Gunson


Introduction Around 10% of calls received by English ambulance services are for older adults who have fallen1; with an ageing population there are significant care provision needs. Decision-making on the treatment for people who fall, can impact their future physical and mental health. Previous research in decision-making of ambulance staff found perception of role, confidence, service demands and training to be key drivers2. The previous work highlighting drivers, but not the experiences that explain why they occur, leads this study aim to determine the experiences and confidence of frontline emergency clinicians in attending older adults who have fallen. Method Online cross-sectional survey of frontline emergency clinicians from one English ambulance service in May 2023. Open questions generated qualitative data for thematic analysis3. Ethical and regulatory approvals, and informed consent, were obtained. Results: 81 participants completed the survey. Analysis identified three themes. Care Provision: Provision of hospital avoidance pathways varies throughout the region. Concerns arose from not knowing what different areas had and reduced accessibility out of hours. Communication: Decision-making confidence was impacted by the participants’ experiences; positive experiences encouraged use of hospital avoidance pathways, whilst negative experiences impeded willingness to avoid hospital for fear of repercussion. Shared Decision-Making: Patients, family and clinicians were all valued as part of shared decision-making, with past feedback on decision-making informing future practice. Conclusion Confidence of frontline ambulance staff was impacted by the challenge of a regional and 24/7 ambulance service not having consistent pathways available. This variation led to concerns when responding to patients outside of the clinician’s usual area, and further challenges ambulance clinicians must balance in their practice. References 1. Snooks, Anthony, Chatters. et al. Health Technology Assessment 2017; 21: 1–218. 2. Simpson, Thomas, Bendall. et al. BMC Health Services Research. 2017; 17: 299. 3. Braun and Clarke. (2022) Thematic Analysis: A practical guide.


Gunson, I., Bullock, L., Kingstone, T., & Bucknall, M. (2024). 2005 How do emergency ambulance clinicians decide what to do for older adults who have fallen? An analysis of qualitative survey data. Age and ageing, 53(Supplement_1), Article afad246.098.

Journal Article Type Meeting Abstract
Acceptance Date Jan 22, 2024
Online Publication Date Jan 22, 2024
Publication Date Jan 22, 2024
Deposit Date Feb 12, 2024
Journal Age and Ageing
Print ISSN 0002-0729
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 53
Issue Supplement_1
Article Number afad246.098
Keywords Geriatrics and Gerontology, Aging, General Medicine
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